Automatically exiting omnis

Dave Jobling omnisstuff at
Mon Dec 1 04:49:36 EST 2014

Thanks Marco.  I'll give it a try.


-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en-bounces at [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] On Behalf Of omnis
Sent: 29 November 2014 10:28
To: omnisdev-en at
Subject: Re: Automatically exiting omnis

Il 29/11/2014 10:19, Dave Jobling ha scritto:
> Hi
> Some of my users are leaving my application open for days at time.  Does anybody have a good way of getting omnis studio 4.3 to automatically quit at a certain time in the evening?  .
> I suppose it could be done with a timer method.  If so, has anybody got any sample code?
> Thanks
> Dave Jobling.
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I usually use this method:

 1. Create a object class called *O_CLOSE_TIMER*  2. in superclass property insert *.Timer Library.Time**r*  3. in a main menu, create a instance object variable called *iv_timer*  4. In the $construct method of the main menu, insert this code

Do $clib.$objects.*O_CLOSE_TIMER*.$new() Returns iv_timer Do iv_timer.$autoreset.$assign(kTrue)
Do iv_timer.$reentrant.$assign(kFalse)
Do iv_timer.$useseconds.$assign(kTrue)
Do iv_timer.$timervalue.$assign(_*time in seconds*_) Do iv_timer.$stoptimer() Do iv_timer.$starttimer()

In O_CLOSE_TIMER create a method called *$time**r*. In this method called from timer, control the time with #d

*Marco Vitrano*
/Omni Logic/
| Mobile: 3285784774

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