Omnis 4.3 and diagnosing memory issues

Andy Hilton andyh at
Sat Aug 30 20:56:58 EDT 2014


The typical thing in Omnis is that lists are not always automatically destructed by generic code so if you define lists in a method (which is pretty common !) then unless you specifically destruct them they retain memory even when the method has ended…..

I had to add a pile of default listname.$destruct() calls to my app to get it to not bloat its memory…..

Also adding an automatic quit of the app at the end of every day is also a good idea here too :)

Hope that may help


On Aug 30, 2014, at 4:33 PM, Andy Powell <Andy.Powell at> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We are currently using Omnis Studio 4.3. We have come across a problem where if we leave our application running for a number of weeks (it's a desktop application so this actually rarely happens) then the memory usage by Omnis shoots through the roof.
> I'm at a loss at the moment as our application is quite huge and trying to pinpoint something like this over such an extended period of time isn't going to be easy.
> Does anyone have any experience of memory issues such as this? How would I go about diagnosing this? I have managed to find sys(3000) which means that I can log the trace log to a file which I think would be more helpful if I knew in which area the problem was.
> Unfortunately, I've not had to do this before and I don't really know where to start so if anyone can suggest anything I would be really grateful.
> Thanks as always,
> Andy
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