O$: Code 128 / QR Code on Mac

Nick Renders omnis1 at arcict.com
Wed Aug 27 06:03:26 EDT 2014

Hi Jacky,

Thank you very much for your code.
I see that you call a method TestNum twice, but it doesn't set any variables.
Is this relevant or can I just leave it out?

I also found out that Google has an API to create QR Codes:

We will probably end up implementing this, but it's good to have your
Code 128 method just in case, so thanks again!


Nick Renders

ARC - your ICT service partner
H. D. Saviolaan 8
1700 Dilbeek
T: (00 32) (0)2 466 50 00
F: (00 32) (0)2 466 88 33

On 26 Aug 2014, at 11:36, Jacques Zemron wrote:

> Hi Nick,
> You need code 128 barfonts to print barcodes in your reports.
> Code128 barcodes need to be coded
> here is my code
> Calculate cChaine as pChaine
> If len(cChaine)>0
> ;  Vérifier si les caractères son valides
> For cI from 1 to len(cChaine) step 1
> Calculate lASCII as asc(cChaine,cI)
> If (asc(cChaine,cI)>=32&asc(cChaine,cI)<=126)|asc(cChaine,cI)=203
> Else
> Calculate cI as 0
> Break to end of loop
> End If
> End For
> ;  Calculer la chaine de code en optimisant l'usage des tables B et C
> Calculate lTableB as kTrue
> Calculate cCode128 as ''
> If cI>0
> Calculate cI as 1     ;; i% devient l'index sur la chaine
> While cI<len(cChaine)
> If lTableB
> ;  voir si interessant de passer en table C
> ;  Oui pour 4 chiffres au debut ou à la fin, sinon pour 6 chiffres
> Calculate cMini as pick(cI=1|cI+3=len(cChaine),4,6)
> Do method TestNum
> If cMini<0     ;; choix table C
> If cI=1     ;; débuter sur table C
> Calculate cCode128 as chr(210)
> Else     ;; commuter sur table C
> Calculate cCode128 as con(cCode128,chr(199))
> End If
> Calculate lTableB as kFalse
> Else
> If cI=1     ;; débuter sur table B
> Calculate cCode128 as chr(204)
> End If
> End If
> End If
> If not(lTableB)     ;; on est sur la table C, essayer de traier 2 chiffres
> Calculate cMini as 2
> Do method TestNum
> If cMini<0     ;; OK pour 2 chiffres, les traiter
> Calculate lDummy as mid(cChaine,cI,2)
> Calculate lDummy as pick(lDummy<95,lDummy+32,lDummy+105)
> Calculate cCode128 as con(cCode128,chr(lDummy))
> Calculate cI as cI+2
> Else     ;; on n'a pas 2 chiffres, repasser en table B
> Calculate cCode128 as con(cCode128,chr(205))
> Calculate lTableB as kTrue
> End If
> End If
> If lTableB     ;; Traiter 1 caractère en table B
> Calculate cCode128 as con(cCode128,mid(cChaine,cI,1))
> Calculate cI as cI+1
> End If
> End While
> ;  calcul de la cle de contrôle
> For cI from 1 to len(cCode128) step 1
> Calculate lDummy as asc(cCode128,cI)
> Calculate lDummy as pick(lDummy<127,lDummy-32,lDummy-105)
> If cI=1
> Calculate lChecksum as lDummy
> End If
> Calculate lChecksum as mod(lChecksum+(cI-1)*lDummy,103)
> End For
> ;  calcul du code ascii de la cle
> Calculate lChecksum as pick(lChecksum<95,lChecksum+32,lChecksum+105)
> ;  Ajout de la cle et du stop
> Calculate cCode128 as con(cCode128,chr(lChecksum),chr(211))
> End If
> End If
> Quit method cCode128
> Cordialement,
> Jacques ZEMRON
> 2, Impasse du Marechal Ferrant
> 14540 SOLIERS
> Tel : 02 31 72 73 54
> Fax : 02 31 26 94 72
> Portable : 06 82 68 60 08
> Mailto:jacky at aec-ri.com
> Le 26 août 2014 à 09:46, Nick Renders <omnis1 at arcict.com> a écrit :
>> Hi List,
>> We are looking for a way to print barcodes on our Omnis reports.
>> The barcodes should support all ASCII characters, so I think we
>> will have to go for Code 128 or QR Code.
>> We are running Omnis Studio 4.3 non-unicode on MacOS X.
>> Does anyone have a solution for this?
>> Best regards,
>> Nick Renders
>> ARC - your ICT service partner
>> H. D. Saviolaan 8
>> 1700 Dilbeek
>> T: (00 32) (0)2 466 50 00
>> F: (00 32) (0)2 466 88 33
>> http://www.arcict.com
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