Spinning wheel and Postgresql?

Franco Maregotto franco at hotelaqua.it
Fri Aug 15 07:15:18 EDT 2014

I could be another experience, but the criminal is not postgres (and I use Omnis 5.2 against a postgres remote server)
The spinning wheel (both mac and Win7) behave like in any browser when you look for a IP address not responding.
Sometimes chrome or explorer does not say you immediately "This site is unreachable". You must wait a (long) while and look the wheel spinning
The hard thing here is to "teach" the local computer to stop trying to obtain a server response after x seconds, when the connection drops, maybe after one hour of inactivity (and the local computer isn't aware of this).
Server (postgres) knows perfectly you're logged off, but local PC or Mac don't.
The code I wrote to reconnect works good, but I found no way to make my local computer avoid to wait several seconds (up to 45) to decide that there is nobody listening out there.
Still looking the trick to workaround this issue.


Franco Maregotto
franco at hotelaqua.it

Il giorno 15/ago/2014, alle ore 10:56, ADJob <mats at adjob.se> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> I just wonder how many experience ”spinning wheel” (hangs) when using Omnis 6.x and Postgresql? (Especially after a period of inactivity)
> TIA,
> Mats Olsson, ADJob Nordic AB, Sweden_____________________________________________________________
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