Strip Java out of Omnis RT

Mike Matthews omnis at
Wed Aug 13 13:25:16 EDT 2014

If it looks like a Duck, walks like a Duck, then…  :)




On 13 Aug 2014, at 20:21, Doug Easterbrook <doug at> wrote:

> hi Mike:
> if the jdbcdam (and the other two items) is in the xcomp folder, Studio loads java as it starts. 
> ..... even if you do not use java, it loads it.   and so you are subjected to the handshake code that goes on between the xcomps and java.    so if you want to have code running that you are not using, leave the 3 xcomps in place ... and you will see some crashing after some long term use on mavericks.
> take out the xcomps, the code doesnt' run, and you get more stability.
> The issue arises because it seems that the apple supplied version of Java engine in mavericks is a bit unstable.     it doesn't means it dies constantly.... I don't see it when people are using the runtime as a fat client.
> it just tends to die when we are using the RT as our web services -- which runs longer and hotter.   When we remove the java dependancy, we got a whole lot longer running time.
> Thats a fair amount of empirical evidence based on crash logs -- not easily proven, but when a problem goes away when you remove java dependancy, I call that a pretty high correlation.
> Doug Easterbrook
> Arts Management Systems Ltd.
> mailto:doug at
> Phone (403) 536-1205    Fax (403) 536-1210
> On Aug 13, 2014, at 10:00 AM, omnisdev-en-request at wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> A holiday question today, as Will and I have been following this thread.  Have I missed why the RT even has the Java comps loaded?  I know it can be used a java server, but wouldn't you use the correct server version for that purpose?
>> And then, what else can you mostly do away with in the RT?  I seem to remember someone went a long way to lighten the load of their RT client a few years back.
>> Thanks
>> Mike
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