ODB StartupItems File - Solved

David Ferri davidferri at icloud.com
Fri Aug 8 20:08:13 EDT 2014

Hi All,

I have the Omnis Data Bridge automatically starting on a Mavericks client machine when it restarts.  I did it by creating a script which I stored in ~/Library/Scripts and it executes via a plist stored in ~/Library/LaunchAgents.  Here are the details:

- Create a text file using TextEdit containing the following:

# /bin/bash

cd Applications/OmnisDataBridge
./odb start

It is important to make sure this is saved as plain text (not .rtf) or it will not behave properly when chmod'd.  Using something like TextWrangler will probably save that grief.  Save the text file in ~/Library/Scripts.  I called it "startodb.sh".  Then in Terminal cd ~/Library/Scripts and chmod 755 startodb.sh.  It is now ready to be executed.

-Now to have it run on startup.  I created a plist file as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>/Users/[Home Directory]/Library/Scripts/startodb.sh</string>

I saved the plist in ~/Library/LaunchAgents and called it "com.wordmaster.omnisstart".  The [Home Directory] has to obviously be changed to whatever the home directory that is hosting the script and plist.  We found that using ~ instead of /Users/[Home Directory] was unreliable.

Restart and it should work.

My thanks to Allen Hancock of Watchman Monitoring <watchman at watchmanmonitoring.com> in California, a fellow former(?) ACN who has forgotten more about scripting than I will ever learn. 

David Ferri, President
Word Master, Inc.
320 Earls Ct.
Deerfield, IL  60015
Ph: 847-948-9600
Cell: 847-922-0080
Fax: 847-948-9617

On Aug 6, 2014, at 16:47 , David Ferri <davidferri at icloud.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have the Omnis Data Bridge (v1.5.4)  installed on a Mavericks machine and have a Studio 5 library connecting to the data file just fine.  Now I want to automate the ODB start up so the client doesn't have to do it themselves any time the server is restarted.
> I downloaded the scripts from Omnis-dev and installed the OmnisDataBridge file in /Macintosh HD/Libraray/Startupitems/ and restarted the machine.  Upon start up I received the following message:
> “/Library/StartupItems/OmnisDataBridge” has not been started because it does not have the proper security settings."
> I changed the security settings via the Get Info box to allow read/write to all listed Names.  I even added Administrators and gave them read/write privileges to see if that would work.  I get the same error message every time.  Is this a permissions setting that needs to be changed at the command line?  Does the OmnisDataBridge file still work?  The scripts that came with it indicate that they are PowerPC...
> Regards,
> David Ferri, President
> Word Master, Inc.
> 320 Earls Ct.
> Deerfield, IL  60015
> Ph: 847-948-9600
> Cell: 847-922-0080
> Fax: 847-948-9617
> http://www.wordmaster.com
> On Jun 27, 2014, at 16:29 , Kelly Burgess <kellyb at montana.com> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>>> Does anyone have the widget
>> Maybe you refer to what Mirko posted -  Re: O$: using launchd to start stop ODB on OSX server
>> http://www.omnis-dev.com/cgi-bin/thiskey.omns?Key=20090216225039
>> Seems to still be there.  Includes a StartupParameters.plist and other scripts.
>> Kelly
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