Open Source External to display and interact with HTML 5 Content
David McKeone
david at
Wed Aug 6 14:38:41 EDT 2014
Hi Florian,
This is incredible! Thanks for sharing it.
I’ll definitely be taking a look at this right away, since I’ve been attempting to make something similar for quite a while. I wasn’t aware of the Awesomium project until recently, but it definitely looks like a great way to have a browser view in Omnis.
Looks like you’ve done Studio 4 and Windows. I’ll see if I can add Studio 5+ and Mac support soon.
Is it easy to build? Any special instructions for building Awesomium?
Thanks again!
David McKeone
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:david at
Phone: (403) 536-1203 Fax: (403) 536-1210
On Aug 6, 2014, at 5:46 AM, DATAX AG, Florian Binder <fb at> wrote:
> Hi list,
> as promised during the regional Omnis Developer Conference in Frankfurt, we open sourced an Omnis Studio external and an Omnis Studio library which demonstrates the usage of Awesomium to display and interact with HTML 5 Content.
> Awesomium wraps Chromium with an easy to use C++ API.
> Features:
> + Running HTML5 inside Omnis Studio (WebGL, HTML5Video, Downloading, etc)
> + Calling JavaScript methods from Omnis Studio with return values
> + Executing Omnis Studio code through events triggered from JavaScript
> + Example on how to wrap an HTML5 component and how to use it as a component inside Omnis Studio Windows
> + With this external it should be possible to integrate the JSClient into an Omnis Studio 4.X application
> The external is published on github and is Licensed under LGPL v2.1
> Best Regards
> DATAX AG Unternehmensberatung
> i.A.
> Florian Binder
> _____________________________
> DATAX AG Unternehmensberatung
> Aixheimer Strasse 12
> 70619 Stuttgart
> Deutschland
> Fon: +49 711 47667-0
> Fax: +49 711 47667-29
> fb at
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