own $update routine ignored

Bob Fiering bob at maxolution.nl
Fri May 17 15:05:45 EDT 2013


I have written my own insert, update and delete statements in the Table superclass and something weird is happening.
Maybe i am sitting too long behind the screen or my searches in the list archives are not well but i can not find my problem.

When inserting records the procedure in the table superclass is nicely executed.
When updating a record the iRecord_Row.$update(...) command is completely ignored.
It does not go to the procedure in my table superclass. It is simply ignored and does nothing.

My row variable is still defined the right way and its got the right values.
Could the reference to the table class be lost. Am i missing something?

I am using Omnis Studio 5.2.3 (os x 10.8) with Postgres 9.2 (also on 10.8)



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