07: Omnis icons
Stephen Miller
stephenmiller1958 at gmail.com
Thu May 2 07:59:37 EDT 2013
In the windows env I believe 457 is the magic number, that is , if more tan
457 users are trying to access the file at once then you have a problem. In
99.9999% of cases this is not the case which means that the problem has
some thing to do with the read only status of the file access.
On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 7:31 PM, <Wizardcompserv at aol.com> wrote:
> Hi Stephen
> Where would they look for the 'file handles'? They are running multi user
> on the Terminal server and the application is running file apart from the
> icons
> Kind Regards
> Wendy Osbaldestin
> Wizard Computer Services
> _www.wizardcompserv.co.uk_ (http://www.wizardcompserv.co.uk/)
> Tel: 01260271647
> In a message dated 02/05/2013 12:11:05 GMT Daylight Time,
> stephenmiller1958 at gmail.com writes:
> Wendy
> Two things immediately come to mind:
> 1) The omnispic file is in read only mode
> 2) There are more users than file handles available.
> 99% will be 1
> Stephen
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*Kind Regards
Stephen Miller
+61 (0)415 968048
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