List v. Forum (was Test:)
Jonathan Rumbold
j.rumbold at
Sun Dec 29 22:20:57 EST 2013
I used to be a strong supporter of a list in the list versus forum issue,
but I've had problems with posting to the list too, so now I would vote
strongly in favour of a forum. Is it time to revisit this I wonder?
Jonathan Rumbold
Omni Potent Solutions P/L
1537 Ghin Ghin Rd,
Highlands Victoria 3660, Australia.
03 5796 9344
0408 969399
-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en-bounces at
[mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] On Behalf Of Richie at HIP
Sent: Monday, 30 December 2013 1:48 PM
To: tom.fortenberry at
Cc: OmnisDev List - English
Subject: Re: Test
What I did was:
In the TO: address send to omnisdev-en at
I also had to sent FROM: the email address that the list has identified
As Me, meaning richiepiovanetti at If I sent
to the list from any other email account I have such as
richiepiovanetti at, richiepiovanetti at,
richiepiovanetti at, the list-serf software would not recognize me as
a valid List Member and my submissions would be dropped.
Hence, If you are submitting your comments or questions to
omnisdev-en at, check out that you are submitting from
the email account you used to register to the list, otherwise the software
will ignore you.
Hope this helps.
José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
M: 787-615-4884 | richiepiovanetti at
On Dec 28, 2013, at 1:56 PM, Tom Fortenberry <tom.fortenberry at>
> Richie,
> I too have had great difficulty in posting to the list. In fact, I gave
up trying. Do you mind sending me those instructions from the list admin?
> Thanks,
> Tom
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Richie at HIP" <richiepiovanetti at>
> Date: Dec 27, 2013 6:26 PM
> Subject: Test
> To: "OmnisDev List - English" <omnisdev-en at>
> Cc:
> Please disregard. Im verifying that I can submit to the list as my last
couple of submission have never made it. Hopefully following instructions
by one of the Omnis-list Administrators will get me through.
> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
> M: 787-615-4884 | richiepiovanetti at
> _____________________________________________________________
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