load balancing experience

Doug Easterbrook doug at artsman.com
Wed Dec 18 12:37:32 EST 2013

hi Vic:

Marc & Phil are right --  we spend hours at euromnis on various aspects of what we've done and how to get performance out of things, architecture, gotchas, postgres techniques, performance tuning.     Marten Verhoeven had some as part of his sessions as well.

and we do real live code .     putting those experiences  into an email without giving a superficial treatment to anything would hardly do justice to the information that takes about 20 hours to deliver in the sessions. 

Happy to share it and give out code at euromnis --  we do lots of that ...    The info would be empty words on the list without the background info.

thats kind of how I feel about a general question

However, specific questions -- happy to provide our thoughts on the forum --- 

however, Euromnis is really good training and sharing and strategy development.      I got a whole big eyeful on how we need to change our own interface (which I thought was great)... and thats cause I happened to notice something cool somebody else was doing that made a whole lot of sense.

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at artsman.com
Phone (403) 536-1205    Fax (403) 536-1210

On Dec 18, 2013, at 10:00 AM, omnisdev-en-request at lists.omnis-dev.com wrote:

> Doug: if you don't mind sharing with us/community your findings/experiences too please. It could help ease newcomers into the 6.x experience. Plus having operating stats is more beneficial than theoretical info/assumptions. 

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