Franco Maregotto
franco at hotelaqua.it
Fri Dec 13 03:18:41 EST 2013
Thank you for your response Kelly
it seems that $makelist is able to add system classes only for the $clib, not for other libs.
As each lib MUST have its systemClasses, this makes a bit of sense... but I still remain with my problem unsolved.
Il giorno 12/dic/2013, alle ore 13:24, Kelly Burgess <kellyb at montana.com> ha scritto:
> Hi Franco,
>> iClassesList is populated only with classes created by me (windows, reports, menus etc..)
> When I do this (in Studio 4.3.1) in a small library, when it's the only one open. . .
> Do $clib.$classes.$makelist($ref.$name,$ref.$classtype,$ref.$userinfo) Returns #L1
> I get back a 14-line list. The first 11 lines are classtype='systemtable' and the names include #BFORMS .. #TFORMS, with colors, fonts, styles and icons in between. One of the remaining three lines is classtype='folder' and the name is 'System Classes'. The last two are my library's task and window classtypes.
> I don't know if there are properties (or versions of Studio) that would cause system classes to be filtered from the library.$classes group. See if they're visible in your Notation Inspector. They are in mine. I can drag out "$root.$libs.imageCaptureTest431.$classes.#STYLES" and the rest.
> Kelly
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