O7 ProcedureTextLine

Kelly Burgess kellyb at montana.com
Wed Dec 11 22:53:53 EST 2013

Stephen wrote:
>It is certainly possible. I even have some code somewhere that indents the
>lines for the loop statements etc. Sorry I cant put my hands on it straight away.

I found some old Leon Venter code for doing that - it's returning a 3-column list, with straight line text in the first column for doing comparisons, the formatted line text in the second column for display purposes, and a flag in the third column for use in later comparisons.  Adjust as needed (e.g. sys(6)='M' is outdated), and thank Good Ol' Leon Venter.


##### Method 'FormatProcText' #####
No. Parameter                Type            Subtype
1   pLines                   Field reference
2   pText                    Character       100000000

No. Local Variable           Type            Subtype          Init.Val/Calc
1   lineText                 Character       10000
2   compareText              Character       10000
3   displayText              Character       10000
4   caseStack                Character       100              ''
5   kDelim                   Character       2                pick(sys(6)='M',chr(13,10),chr(13))
6   indent                   Long integer                     0
7   lineMatch                Boolean                          kFalse
8   case                     Boolean                          kFalse

No. Method text
3   Begin reversible block
4     Set current list pLines
5   End reversible block
6   Define list {compareText,displayText,lineMatch}
7   Calculate pText as con(pText,pick(len(pText)>0,'',kDelim))     ;; Add a line delimiter if proctext is non-empty
8   While len(pText)     ;; While there's text to process
9     Calculate indent as indent-(pos(mid(pText,1,4),'Else,Case,Defa,Unti')|pos(mid(pText,1,6),'End If,End Fo,End Sw,End Wh,End re'))+(pos(mid(pText,1,4),'Case,Defa')&not(case)&len(caseStack))-(mid(pText,1,6)='End Sw'&case)     ;; Reduce indent for ends of constructs
10    Calculate indent as indent*(indent>0)     ;; Don't allow indent to become negative
11    Calculate lineText as mid(pText,1,pos(kDelim,pText)-1)     ;; Get the line text
12    Add line to list {(lineText,con(mid(kSpaces,1,4*indent),lineText),kFalse)}     ;; Indent it and add it to the list
13    Calculate indent as indent+(mid(pText,1,2)='If'|pos(mid(pText,1,4),'Else,Whil,For ,Swit,Case,Defa,Repe')|mid(pText,1,7)='Begin r')     ;; Increase indent for begins of constructs
14    If mid(pText,1,6)='Switch'     ;; This code handles Switch constructs, which are gnarly (especially if they're nested)
15      Calculate caseStack as con(caseStack,case+0)     ;; Entering a new Switch construct, so push the case flag for the current Switch (if any) on the stack
16      Calculate case as kFalse     ;; Clear the case flag for the new Switch
17    Else If mid(pText,1,6)='End Sw'
18      Calculate case as mid(caseStack,len(caseStack),1)     ;; We're leaving a Switch, so pop the case flag for the lower-level Switch (if any) from the stack
19      Calculate caseStack as mid(caseStack,1,len(caseStack)-1)
20    Else If pos(mid(pText,1,4),'Case,Defa')
21      Calculate case as kTrue     ;; Set the case flag if there's at least one Case or Default command in the Switch
22    End If
23    Calculate pText as mid(pText,pos(kDelim,pText)+len(kDelim),len(pText))     ;; Strip this line's text
24  End While

No method errors found

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