SQL Statements send to Omnis Server?

Phil Potter (ou) Phil at pgpotter.demon.co.uk
Tue Dec 10 12:26:48 EST 2013


If you are doing an insert or update, are the field contents also 
visible, and sent to omnis.net?


On 10/12/2013 17:00, Gary Connor wrote:
> Just what I'm thinking, not stated as a known fact.
> ________________________________
> Dr. Gary Connor, PhD, CIO
> DirectLine Technologies, Inc.
> 1600 N. Carpenter Road
> Building D
> Modesto, CA 95351
> (209) 491-2020
>> That would be possible but why do they need the whole statement for
>> that? Wouldn't be a special ID identifying your license better?
>>> I'm waiting for someone else to say what I'm thinking -
>>> "Licensing control."
>>> Just a guess, but there is no other reason for any code to pass
>>> through the vendor's network for basic functionality.  Since we
>>> had the long discussions about the new licensing necessitated
>>> (especially) by serverless ios apps.
>>> ________________________________
>>> Dr. Gary Connor, PhD, CIO
>>> DirectLine Technologies, Inc.
>>> 1600 N. Carpenter Road
>>> Building D
>>> Modesto, CA 95351
>>> (209) 491-2020
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have noticed that my SQL queries are being send to omnis.net.
>>>> Is there a reason why all my SQL statements have to be send to
>>>> that server?
>>>>>  From omjsclnt.js (Javascript Wrapper IOS V1.1):
>>>> _33 contains my whole SQL Statement for example:
>>>> "{"ID":"ExecuteSQL","ULID":"execute","retID":{"ACTION":"execute","SRID
>>>> ":2,"PSRID":0},"Params":{"SqlText":"CREATE
>>>> TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user (user_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username
>>>> CHAR(50), password CHAR(200), role INTEGER(2));"}}"
>>>> if(jOmnis.iOS){
>>>> _33=_33.replace(/[\\]/g,"%5C");
>>>> var _34=document.createElement("IFRAME");
>>>> _34.setAttribute("src","http://www.omnis.net/iOSJavaScriptURL"+_33);
>>>> document.documentElement.appendChild(_34);
>>>> _34.parentNode.removeChild(_34);
>>>> _34=null;
>>>> }
>>>> I'm using a serverless client application and noticed this
>>>> while debugging.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Josua
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> -- 
> Phil Potter
> Based in Chester in the UK.

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