Storing libs into BLOB

Jean Marc Azerad at
Tue Dec 10 11:07:07 EST 2013

Still there...

I thought I could save libs in BLOBs with Studio 4.2, V2 dams, but it doesn't work as I would like it to.

When the Binary is saved by another mean than my app, I can call it in my Studio variables, but if I try an insert or an update, it just does not save it. (it deletes it if I update). No error message.
Summary : reading works, writing doesn't.

When Using Studio 4.3 with V3 Dams, no problem, but for some reason, with the very same code, I'm unable to connect to my Oracle Database (10g) with Studio 4.2 and the same DAM (ORACLE8DAM).
When trying with V3 Dams from the SQL browser, I get the message "The SQL Browser was unable to logon : DAM cannor be used with this version.

I need either to be able to save into BLOBs with OS 4.2, V2 DAMS or to make Studio 4.2 work with V3 DAMS;

Any clue, very very welcome, I've spent hours to deal with this with no success



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