Quitting Omnis due to unrecoverable error: Failed to create window (probably due to insufficient resources) Fldbasic.cpp:722

Chris Webb Chris.Webb at catalina-software.co.uk
Mon Dec 9 05:19:37 EST 2013

Hi all,

A while ago, I came across an error: 'Quitting Omnis due to unrecoverable error: Insufficient memory available Xpripri.cpp:1163'  After a bit of investigation I found a few threads relating this to printer drivers which solved the problem.

I have recently come across a new error...
'Quitting Omnis due to unrecoverable error: Failed to create window (probably due to insufficient resources) Fldbasic.cpp:722'

This is happening on a Windows 7 PC on the start-up of Omnis .  Has anyone come across this error before? I can't find any threads about it.

Thanks in advance.


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