regex with negative backtrace in Omnis Find

Bastiaan Olij bastiaan at
Thu Dec 5 19:06:41 EST 2013

Hi Jonathan,

Laziness is the sign of a great developer, if something can be done in 6
instead of 7 lines of code, I can sleep for 15% of the day...



On 6/12/13 10:49 AM, Jonathan Rumbold wrote:
> Hey Mark, you are selling Gary short there... he does seven lines a day not
> six!
> Jonathan Rumbold
> Omni Potent Solutions P/L
> 1537 Ghin Ghin Rd,
> Highlands Victoria 3660, Australia.
> 03 5796 9344
> 0408 969399
> -----Original Message-----
> From: omnisdev-en-bounces at
> [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mark Phillips
> Sent: Friday, 6 December 2013 10:07 AM
> To: gary_connor at; OmnisDev List - English
> Subject: Re: regex with negative backtrace in Omnis Find
> Hi, Gary,
> Yes, one must make time for music!
> Six lines of code a day... I used to work with a guy who said "I don't do
> much each day, but what I do is real good!"
> Happy days,
>  - Mark

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