regex with negative backtrace in Omnis Find

Gary Connor gary_connor at
Thu Dec 5 17:59:55 EST 2013

Mark - 

I've found that I can only write seven good lines of code a day, so I figured out that if just one person wrote all that code, coding 200 days a year, they would now be 143 years old. (Oh, and I put all my code in code classes so I don't have to deal with that "scope" stuff - which I thought was a mouthwash.)

Still, glad that Bas was able to provide a working regular expression, cause you need time for music ;-)
Dr. Gary Connor, PhD, CIO
DirectLine Technologies, Inc.
1600 N. Carpenter Road
Building D
Modesto, CA 95351
(209) 491-2020

> Thanks, Bas.
> That worked well. Just under 7K hits, and far easier to deal with.
> Regards,
> - Mark
> On Dec 5, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Bastiaan Olij <bastiaan at>
> wrote:
>> Hey mark,
>> No idea but I've found that negatives often work better with
>> bracket notation, so try something like: [^@]\[[^[]+\]
>> That seems to work for me, it only doesn't find lines that start
>> with [....] because it evaluates the character before but I doubt
>> any such lines exist?
>> Cheers,
>> Bas
>> On 6/12/13 6:00 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:
>>> I am analyzing a library with over 200K lines of code, 23K
>>> branching statements and about 20K of comments. I would like to
>>> use the Omnis Find to list all the uses of square bracket
>>> notation that is not a bind variable expression. E.g. include
>>> "$ctask.[myVarName]" but not "... WHERE name LIKE
>>> @[myNameString]".
>>> I could dump the entire library out to file or db, but this is
>>> a one time thing so a quick find is attractive.
>>> I have used regular expressions in the SDK Find dialog to
>>> locate many things. However, the concept of filtering out a
>>> specific prefix has not produced the desired result. I have
>>> tried several variants of this expression:
>>> (?<!@)[
>>> For example, (\?<!@)\[ among others.
>>> I would be most grateful for any suggestions.
>>> -
>>> Mark_____________________________________________________________ Mana
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