odb mountain lion crashing
Marc De Roover
omnis1 at arcict.com
Wed Dec 4 12:58:06 EST 2013
We noticed an issue with ODB 1.61 on ML & Mavericks that we were not
able to stop the services as we wanted ( even with no users connected ).
Has been escalated to TL.
What is crashing ? OS or ODB ?
When ? what is the activity level ?
Did you take a look at the OS crash log ?
Our server is running although not in use by any user.
We’ll try to setup a test environment.
I presume that the DataFiles are not included in the share point .
I don’t know if ML server or ML is making any difference to the ODB
performance. Can you split-up the file serving and the ODB serving ?
On 4 Dec 2013, at 18:22, Bill Steer wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is any one sucessfully running Omnis Data Bridge on Mountain Lion
> Server ?
> Mine is crashing anywhere from once a day to once every 4 days.
> I have tried odb 1.54 and 1.61
> I have tried port 27115
> I have tried maxfiles 1,000,000
> I shut odb down and restart every night.
> We have 16gb memory on server and about 15 users.
> The only server service we use is file sharing.
> We have omnis 4.3.2 on 10.4 - 10.9 machines and windowns 7 machines.
> If you look at “ports” on the activity viewer, odd rapily builds
> to around 129,000 as people sign on. All other processes have at most
> a few thousand.
> I read where mountain lion server can loose connection with windows
> computers after 5 minutes, so I added timer to read the control
> record once a minute just to keep things hot. This desparate
> flailing didin’t help.
> I suppose I could do a clean install of mountain lion and server if
> anyone thought that might help ?
> Is anyone sucessfull ? Can anyone give me more hints !
> thanks,
> Bill Steer
> Pioneer CEP
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