Further on #STYLES Explorations (was #STYLES exploration)

Keith Bartlett keith at adnetltd.co.uk
Wed Dec 4 10:50:16 EST 2013


There seem to be some odd copies of Tahoma on some Macs, if we run into the problem we just delete it and install a copy from a system here.  This is NOT using Maverick as we don't support that yet.

Try a different font to see if the problem persists


On 4 Dec 2013, at 14:41, Franco Maregotto wrote:

> I created some new Styles in my #STYLES class, but fonts appear very different between Win7 and OSX platforms..
> I.E. a Tahoma 10 in Windows7 is big enough to need a $height=19, while in OSX is so little to need the magnifier..
> I heard about some issues related to Maverick.. True?
> Any guy wanting to share a #styles class already OK and having some styles different from the defaults like CtrlEditText ?
> Franco
> ------------------------
> Franco Maregotto
> franco at hotelaqua.it
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Keith Bartlett
Adnet Ltd - (0)1491 642133

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