Aw: #STYLES Explorations

"Stephan Wüseke" wueseke at
Wed Dec 4 09:19:24 EST 2013


   Did you check the property "$hasbordercolor" for "All Platforms"? This
   should be set to "kTrue".

   HTH, Stephan

   Gesendet: Mittwoch, 04. Dezember 2013 um 15:13 Uhr
   Von: "H.P. Noppe" <henk at>
   An: "OmnisDev List - English" <omnisdev-en at>
   Betreff: #STYLES Explorations
   Hejhej dear Omnis people,
   For investigating some UI updating I changed the style CtrlEditText in the
   #STYLES class. What I want is that an Entry field has a kBorderPlain and
   with eg kGray border. The plain border is applied, but the color isn’t.
   But… I can change it for an individual entry field on a window class. 😏 Is
   there some reason why it works this way?
   I use Omnis 5.01, Mac OS X 10.9
   The steps I took:
   Create a new library
   Create a new Windows class
   Drag a entry field on the form
   Close window class
   Open de class #STYLES
   Click the line ‘CtrlEditText’
   Click platform kMacOSX
   Set effect to ‘kBorderPlain’
   Set Border color to kGray ( or something else)
   Klik ‘OK’.
   Reopen Window class
   Test the window with Cmd+T. But this last step shouldn’t be necessary.
   Below a link to a test lib ray with which I reproduce the problem.
   Thanks already for looking into this.
   Grtz Henk_____________________________________________________________
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