Euromnis 2013 (2nd Edition)

Mike Matthews omnis at
Tue Apr 30 02:30:33 EDT 2013

Hello Everybody,

This a polite reminder of this year's EurOmnis Conference that is taking place at the end of October as usual.  Please read the details and notice that the early bird rates end today, so as others have already done, take advantage of them quick.  Remember, this is the Omnis Conference for all of us, and there is a big change to encourage more to attend, meet people, put faces to names and then learn so much.

Announcing EurOmnis 2013
The Euromnis Committee has been hard at work laying the ground for the 2013 Conference and we are pleased to be announcing it today.

We have a stream of excellent topics to be covered this year, ranging from Studio 101 for new comers through to the new truly multi threaded DAM (coming in Omnis Studio 6), ultra thin client applications, web services and several other hot topics.  We continue to draw from the excellent talent pool within the Omnis community to determine our speakers who enjoy sharing their knowledge and building a stronger, more savvy community.  More on this later.  And we will be putting more effort into enhancing the very much appreciated flash session... your chance for 15 minutes of limelight sharing your Omnis insights.

And for a change of view, we are announcing a new venue this year.  One that will be very easy to get to for our international visitors, along with a shorter transfer time.

Dates:             October 20th-25th 2013

Venue:            Shendish Manor Hotel & Golf Course, near Hemel Hempstead, UK

Good news!  There are no price increases from last year, although we are quoting sterling prices to invite payment in pounds (as our conference bill is in £ this year) - anything to cut the banks out of taking their slice out of our work!

					Apr		May		Jun		Jul		Aug		Sep		Oct		
MEMBER RATE										
twin occupancy		£850	£1,020	£1,105	£1,190	£1,275	£1,361	£1,446		
single occupancy		£1,275	£1,446	£1,531	£1,616	£1,701	£1,786	£1,871	
+ membership			£84		£84		£84		£84		£84		£84		£84		
twin occupancy		£1,020	£1,190	£1,275	£1,361	£1,446	£1,531	£1,616		
single occupancy		£1,446	£1,616	£1,701	£1,786	£1,871	£1,956	£2,041

We urge you to take up the early bird offer.  April’s rate is a downright bargain and it helps our cash flow & payment obligations to the hotel enormously, so please take advantage of it.

The Euromnis website has not been updated with 2013 information yet so please bear with us but we felt the announcement needed to be made straight away.  It should be up to date soon.  So please start making your plans and bookings by contacting us at info at to register either your booking or your intentions.

To view the website of the new conference venue, visit  It has a great outlook and while close to many conveniences, seems miles from anywhere.  Quick & straight forward access from:

Stansted Airport (bus from there to Hemel Hempstead, shuttle bus from there)

Heathrow Airport (bus to Hemel Hempstead, shuttle bus)

Luton Airport (bus to Hemel Hempstead, shuttle bus)

Gatwick Airport (train to Watford, train to Hemel Hempstead, shuttle bus

Eurostar (5 min walk to Euston) train to Hemel Hempstead, shuttle bus

Because of the proximity to London and other attractions, we will be working on a very compelling spouse package to London and many local interesting sites.  More information on this to come, but if you ever wondered about inviting your other half to the conference (or the other half suggesting it to you) for a getaway and some great retail therapy, this is really the one to go for.  Full description and pricing to follow.

And finally… to the valued OmnisWorld members.  Last year many of you registered to be OmnisWorld members.  The annual €99 (£84) membership fee will need to be topped up soon too. 

See you there,

Euromnis Committee

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