O7: Old Mac Classic memory issues ...

Jim Creak jim at jacsoft.co.nz
Mon Apr 22 22:01:21 EDT 2013

I'm here to see how good the old brain cells are for those who work in Mac Classic with Omnis

I have two sites that will occasionally get the following message:

		'The application is getting short of memory.  Do you wish to cancel?  [yes/no]'

Clicking no, generates the next message 

		'The application is short of memory, it is recommended that you do not continue.'

We have upped the memory allocation for the Omnis application but that doesn't seen to work.

When it happens to me, it is for a particular report, and if I immediately attempt to run the report again I get no errors and report prints as it should, so sounds like some sort of memory leak to me.

Any ideas?


JACSoft Programming Ltd.

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