Andy Hilton
andyh at
Mon Apr 15 19:30:08 EDT 2013
That's an interesting approach, and maybe worthy of running an MS SQL database on the side just for that purpose :)
I don't *think* the database login is going to be that hard for a networked user, but my client is also looking for web site SSO as well which I think gets a little trickier ??
On Apr 15, 2013, at 4:57 PM, Bastiaan Olij <bastiaan at> wrote:
> Hey Jean Marc,
> I'm not aware of an 'official' way to do it with Omnis, as other I think
> have already written it requires an implementation that uses tokens that
> allow you to prove the users identity with the domain controller in
> question.
> We did implement SSO at a windows only client side a while back but
> because Omnis is a client/server app and we where using MS SQL we let MS
> SQL do the heavy lifting for us. MS SQL fully supports SSO, you can
> create a user group on the domain controller for your application and
> provide access to your MS SQL server for that entire user group. Any
> user that gets added to the user group will automatically have access to
> the server.
> When you set up your ODBC entry for MS SQL you simply tick the box
> "trust" which will ensure that the ODBC drive sends the proper token to
> the database server.
> For us as an app it becomes simple, if the user can log onto the
> database they are thus authenticated properly with the domain or MS SQL
> wouldn't let you in.
> Cheers,
> Bas
> On 16/04/13 2:18 AM, Jean Marc Azerad wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>> A question from one of my customers...
>> "Is it possible to do SS0 authentication with Omnis Studio?" (currently 4.2)
>> I don't even understand the question, so I need your help !
>> Thanks
>> JM
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