Hand held devices

Ben S. Butler Ben.Butler at c2internet.net
Mon Apr 15 06:32:27 EDT 2013


As an observational aside.... Terminal Server can be viewed as an expensive option when there is a low user count to cover hardware, OS and RDP CALs and the more expensive E Open Office licenses that must be purchased for use on TS rather than the cheaper "normal" office licenses.

For low use count applications of one or two remote thin client users of desktop or application solution.  A copy of Win7 Pro with RDP turned on allows for remote RDP connection for a single user to that workstation which can run a single user instance of Omnis fat client runtime.  Two workstations comes in a lot cheaper than a decent server platform with other MS costs + CALs to deploy a FAT Omnis application.

So for applications such as warehousing / bar coding with a couple of users with bar code guns running an RDP client that would not otherwise have a "proper" terminal server, the workstation route can be commercially enabling.


-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com] On Behalf Of Philip Potter
Sent: 15 April 2013 10:28
To: OmnisDev List - English
Subject: Re: Hand held devices

Hi Wendy,

I don't know if you have an android device to try out stuff with...
But I have used a client called '2X' which you can search for in the play store.

I suggest having a play with this and see how it works for you, see if there are limitations that you cannot work around...

An Android interface obviously is a touch interface, and the 2X client provides some gestures that you may want, or may not want...

Something you might want to consider is making the Omnis application full screen?

If your running it locally for testing, you might require the computer to allow remote desktop connections, without Network Level Authentication.


On 15/04/2013 08:42, Wizardcompserv at aol.com wrote:
> Hi Phil
> This option sounds like it might do what the customer wants - they are 
> supposed to be installing TS this weekend to overcome a connection problem they
>   have had ever since I  have been involved with them!!
> We were looking at some devices over the weekend and one running 
> android looks to me to be within the price bracket they would be 
> looking at - is it easy to connect this to a Terminal Server?
> They really do not want to go Web server for this as for a start they 
> would need Studio licences and application and have to set up a web 
> server  to hold the database.
> Kind  Regards
> Wendy Osbaldestin
> Wizard Computer Services
> _www.wizardcompserv.co.uk_ (http://www.wizardcompserv.co.uk/)
> Tel:  01260271647
> In a message dated 12/04/2013 15:46:03 GMT Daylight Time, 
> phil at pgpotter.demon.co.uk writes:
> I've  used Citrix, and I know of Terminal services being used to run a 
> standard  Omnis application on the server, Citrix or TS server, both 
> of which used  Barcode scanning.
> You seem to be able to run a citrix or TS client on  most devices 
> these days, android, ipad, iphone...
> The only thing  is, if you don't have a Citrix server or TS server, 
> this may price the  solution out of the  equation?
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P G Potter, 11 Regency Court, Mickle Trafford, Chester, UK.

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