O$:403 ODB:141 on Mac - Win Clients problem

Keith Bartlett keith at adnetltd.co.uk
Wed Apr 10 10:36:18 EDT 2013

Hi Phil

Try upping the logging level, might show you why the clients are being disconnected.


On 10 Apr 2013, at 13:51, Philip Potter wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a client that uses ODB141 on a MAC server, from Mac and Windows O$4.03.
> They seem to have a problem with there windows clients, in that quite often they get the padlock icon appearing.
> It seems they get disconnected from ODB?
> ODBSocketTimeOut is set to 120 = 2 minutes.
> In a test environment, off site, adding a timer procedure to read a small record every 30 seconds seemed to help, but no change, if not worse, on the live system.
> Any thoughts, things to consider, as to why this may be happening, and any thoughts on a resolution?
> thanks in advance for any help
> regards
> Phil.
> -- 
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Keith Bartlett
Adnet Ltd - (0)1491 642133

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