May 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Sat May 1 03:18:11 EDT 2010
Ending: Mon May 31 22:10:17 EDT 2010
Messages: 650
- Omnis Data File R/W Access
Ben Butler (DFA)
- Omnis Data File R/W Access
Ben Butler (DFA)
Ben Butler (DFA)
- Populating picture field in Omnis List
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Populating picture field in Omnis List
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Populating picture field in Omnis List
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- Populating picture field in Omnis List
Mayada Al-Kishtini
- OT: My concert this weekend.
Robert Alexander
- Clifford Ilkay
Robert Alexander
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
David Barnett
- OT: My concert this weekend.
David Barnett
- A bit of nostalgia
David Barnett
- Studio call to change a byte in a file?
David Barnett
- O$5 V3 DAM problem.
Keith Bartlett
- OSv5: Setting the first fild
Keith Bartlett
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
Keith Bartlett
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
Sten-Erik Björling
- so I m excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success - thank you
Sten-Erik Björling
- ODB V1.51 running on Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard Server
David Blaymires
- MSM Delete Message
- OSv5: Setting the first fild
Juan Bofill
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Juan Bofill
- O$5 date help
Juan Bofill
- $O5: Enable/Disable Fields - From Another Window
Juan Bofill
- O$: Complex Grid row colorizing
Juan Bofill
- O$: Gotcha : Reportengine
Juan Bofill
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Juan Bofill
- $O5: How can I use nonunicode df1 in O5
Juan Bofill
Juan Bofill
Juan Bofill
- Export to excel
Thad Bogert
- Postgres Character Sets
Lawson Bradley
- O$ 5.0: VCS Version Numbers - How to change them
Lawson Bradley
- O$ 5.0: VCS Version Numbers - How to change them
Lawson Bradley
- O$ 5.0: VCS Version Numbers - How to change them
Lawson Bradley
- O$: Quandaries & Questions about converting DF1 to Postgres ( vs 5.0)
Lawson Bradley
- O$: Quandaries & Questions about converting DF1 to Postgres ( vs 5.0)
Lawson Bradley
- Electronic Medical Records
Rob Brandt
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Rob Brandt
- Omnis Training returning to front burner
Rob Brandt
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Rob Brandt
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Rob Brandt
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Rob Brandt
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Rob Brandt
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Rob Brandt
- O$: Email automation - DDE, or other alternatives
Rob Brandt
- O$: Email automation - DDE, or other alternatives
Rob Brandt
- Ubuntu 10.04
Fred Brinkman
- Ubuntu 10.04
Fred Brinkman
- Datafile corruption
Fred Brinkman
- O$: Undefined Instance vars
Fred Brinkman
- O$: Undefined Instance vars
Fred Brinkman
- Omnis patches - and how to get them faster (was Ubunto 10.04)
Fred Brinkman
- Electronic Medical Records
Fred Brinkman
- OSv5: Setting the first fild
Fred Brinkman
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Fred Brinkman
- Electronic Medical Records
Fred Brinkman
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Fred Brinkman
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Fred Brinkman
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Fred Brinkman
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Fred Brinkman
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Fred Brinkman
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Fred Brinkman
- EOC: Program update...
Fred Brinkman
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session - was: EOC: Program update...
Fred Brinkman
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
Fred Brinkman
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
Fred Brinkman
- O$: $linecount
Fred Brinkman
- so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success - thank you
Fred Brinkman
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
Fred Brinkman
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
Fred Brinkman
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
Fred Brinkman
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
Fred Brinkman
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
Fred Brinkman
- $O5: Enable/Disable Fields - From Another Window
Fred Brinkman
- Test
Fred Brinkman
- Test
Fred Brinkman
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session - was: EOC: Program update...
Fred Brinkman
- Export to excel
Fred Brinkman
- O$: Problem in reports...
Fred Brinkman
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Fred Brinkman
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Fred Brinkman
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Fred Brinkman
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Fred Brinkman
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Fred Brinkman
- O$: Why can't I insert?
Fred Brinkman
- The left and right side of the brain (was OT: My concert this weekend.)
Fred Brinkman
- EOC: May is nearing its end...
Fred Brinkman
- EOC: Last May call...
Fred Brinkman
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
Joe Brower
- O$5 date help
Kelly Burgess
- O$5 date help
Kelly Burgess
- Opening files under windows with Omnis 5
Kelly Burgess
- MSM Delete Message
Kelly Burgess
- Caps lock on
Kelly Burgess
- Populating picture field in Omnis List
Kelly Burgess
- Report question
Dustin Buschow
- Report question
Dustin Buschow
- Caps lock on
Dustin Buschow
- O$5 : Oracle and bind variable
- O$5 : Oracle and bind variable
- O$5 : Unregistred Active
- O$5 : Unregistred Active
- O$ 5 : Translate key string runtime
- O$ 5 : Translate key string runtime
- O$ 5 : Translate key string runtime
- Page count object
Bo Carleö
- Report question
Bo Carleö
- Report question
Bo Carleö
- Report question
Bo Carleö
- Report question
Bo Carleö
- Report question
Bo Carleö
- Postgres, performance, and capability (was Quandaries)
Alex Clay
- Backing up postgres databases
Alex Clay
- Postgres Syntax
Alex Clay
- R: Postgres Syntax
Alex Clay
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Gary Connor
- Returning to the fold?
Gary Connor
- Omnis Data File R/W Access
Gary Connor
- Split Mail
Gary Connor
- O7 and SQL2008 problem
Steve Cornelius
- O7 and SQL2008
Steve Cornelius
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session - was: EOC: Program update...
Christopher Cozad
- Classic crashes on Parallel, MacBook multi key pad
Jim Creak
- Classic crashes on Parallel, MacBook multi key pad
Jim Creak
- Classic in wine :was: Classic crashes on Parallel, MacBook multi key pad
Jim Creak
- Omnis Data File R/W Access
Stefan Csomor
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
Alan Davey
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
Alan Davey
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
Alan Davey
- O$5 Question
Alan Davey
- Classic crashes on Parallel, MacBook multi key pad
Werner Dirix
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
Simon Dorset
- Export to excel
Simon Dorset
- Export to excel
Simon Dorset
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Simon Dorset
- Omnis patches - and how to get them faster (was Ubunto 10.04)
Doug Easterbrook
- Electronic Medical Records
Doug Easterbrook
- Database Cardinality In Omnis Studio 5
Doug Easterbrook
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
Doug Easterbrook
- so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success - thank you
Doug Easterbrook
- Software Escrow Services
Doug Easterbrook
- Quandaries & Questions about converting DF1 to Postgres ( vs 5.0)
Doug Easterbrook
- Postgres, performance, and capability (was Quandaries)
Doug Easterbrook
- Backing up postgres databases
Doug Easterbrook
- O$ Postgres varchar / character varying not reliable
Doug Easterbrook
- Unicode epiphany - and the light shines and all is very very good
Doug Easterbrook
- select count (*) in postgres
Doug Easterbrook
- Omnis Data File R/W Access
Jim Edison
- Omnis Data File R/W Access
Jim Edison
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
Steve Farmer
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
Steve Farmer
- Software Escrow Services
David Ferri
- O$432 Webserver and Safari om 10.6.3
Bob Fiering
- Omnis patches - and how to get them faster (was Ubunto 10.04)
Steve Finger
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Steve Finger
- $O5: $cfield and $cobj inconsistency (short rant)
Geir Fjærli
- Great list work - should be rewarded somehow (was Re: Postgres Character Sets)
Geir Fjærli
- EOC: Program update...
Geir Fjærli
- $O5: Enable/Disable Fields - From Another Window
Geir Fjærli
- Test
Geir Fjærli
- Test
Geir Fjærli
- Posting this job offering for a customer
Geir Fjærli
- A bit of nostalgia
Geir Fjærli
- Electronic Medical Records
Alan Froehling
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Alan Froehling
- O$ on Ubuntu Linux appserver in the couds (was Ubuntu 10.04)
Olafur Gardarsson
- $O5: $cfield and $cobj inconsistency (short rant)
Olafur Gardarsson
- O$: Unoptrusive messages and Jean-Marc's Men and Computers
Olafur Gardarsson
- O$5: Is this a special Linux feature or a universal one
Olafur Gardarsson
- Classic crashes on Parallel, MacBook multi key pad
Olafur Gardarsson
- Classic in wine :was: Classic crashes on Parallel, MacBook multi key pad
Olafur Gardarsson
- $O Serilization
Olafur Gardarsson
- Test
Olafur Gardarsson
- O$: copying and moving files
Olafur Gardarsson
- O$: Quandaries & Questions about converting DF1 to Postgres ( vs 5.0)
Olafur Gardarsson
- O$: Quandaries & Questions about converting DF1 to Postgres ( vs 5.0)
Olafur Gardarsson
- Posting this job offering for a customer
Olafur Gardarsson
- O$: Floating edges fault O$5 linux
Olafur Gardarsson
- O$: Floating edges fault O$5 linux
Olafur Gardarsson
- Postgres SSL feature - easiest: true or false
Olafur Gardarsson
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Olafur Gardarsson
- Postgres SSL feature - easiest: true or false
Olafur Gardarsson
- O$: Floating edges fault O$5 linux
Olafur Gardarsson
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Olafur Gardarsson
- O7: Can't share library on 64 bit Win 2003 server?
Olafur Gardarsson
- O7: Can't share library on 64 bit Win 2003 server?
Olafur Gardarsson
- Question for postgres gurus
Olafur Gardarsson
- $O5: $cfield and $cobj inconsistency (short rant)
Ólafur Garðarsson
- Database Cardinality In Omnis Studio 5
- $O Serilization
- touchscreen
- $O5: How can I use nonunicode df1 in O5
- O$5 Applescript and Unicode
Fotis Georgiadis
- My concert this weekend.
Jeff Gibson
- Electronic Medical Records
Jerry Greenberg
- Test
Dario Greggio
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Dario Greggio
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Dario Greggio
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Dario Greggio
- Question for postgres gurus
Dario Greggio
- select count (*) in postgres
Dario Greggio
- Wine....( running classic on a mbp)
Rainer Greim
- Opening files under windows with Omnis 5
Rainer Greim
- Export to excel
Rainer Greim
- Export to excel
Rainer Greim
- O$: Gotcha : Reportengine
Rainer Greim
- O$: Gotcha : Reportengine
Rainer Greim
- Creating MSAccess ODBC connections
Rainer Greim
- Studio call to change a byte in a file?
Rainer Greim
- Creating MSAccess ODBC connections
Rainer Greim
- touchscreen [ button caption
Rainer Greim
- O$: Caps lock on
Rainer Greim
- $O5: How can I use nonunicode df1 in O5
Rainer Greim
- $O5: How can I use nonunicode df1 in O5
Rainer Greim
- $O5: How can I use nonunicode df1 in O5
Rainer Greim
- touchscreen
Erik Hagemeijer
- touchscreen
Erik Hagemeijer
- touchscreen [ button caption
Erik Hagemeijer
- touchscreen [ button caption
Erik Hagemeijer
- touchscreen [ button caption
Erik Hagemeijer
- Need developer/programmer
Martha Hargrove
- Developer Available
Nick Harris
- Ubuntu 10.04
Matthias Henze
- Ubuntu 10.04
Matthias Henze
- Ubuntu 10.04
Matthias Henze
- Ubuntu 10.04
Matthias Henze
- Ubuntu 10.04
Matthias Henze
- Ubuntu 10.04
Matthias Henze
- OSv5: Setting the first fild
Matthias Henze
- OSv5: Setting the first fild
Matthias Henze
- OSv5: Setting the first fild
Matthias Henze
- O$5: Is this a special Linux feature or a universal one
Matthias Henze
- O$5: Is this a special Linux feature or a universal one
Matthias Henze
- Backing up postgres databases
Matthias Henze
- Postgres Syntax
Matthias Henze
- O$: Floating edges fault O$5 linux
Matthias Henze
- O$: Floating edges fault O$5 linux
Matthias Henze
- Omnis patches - and how to get them faster (was Ubunto 10.04)
Andy Hilton
- Postgres DAM
Andy Hilton
- Postgres DAM
Andy Hilton
- Postgres Character Sets
Andy Hilton
- Postgres Character Sets
Andy Hilton
- Postgres Character Sets
Andy Hilton
- Postgres Character Sets
Andy Hilton
- Postgres Character Sets
Andy Hilton
- Postgres Character Sets
Andy Hilton
- Postgres Character Sets
Andy Hilton
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Andy Hilton
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
Andy Hilton
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Andy Hilton
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Andy Hilton
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Andy Hilton
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Andy Hilton
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Andy Hilton
- O$ Smartlist, complex grid with droplist and history
Andy Hilton
- O$ Smartlist, complex grid with droplist and history
Andy Hilton
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session
Andy Hilton
- O$5 retrieving data from ODBC DAM
Andy Hilton
- O$: copying and moving files
Andy Hilton
- Backing up postgres databases
Andy Hilton
- Backing up postgres databases
Andy Hilton
- Backing up postgres databases
Andy Hilton
- Export to excel
Andy Hilton
- My concert this weekend.
Andy Hilton
- Question for postgres gurus
Andy Hilton
- Question for postgres gurus
Andy Hilton
Andy Hilton
- Question for postgres gurus
John Hosmer
- O$ Smartlist, complex grid with droplist and history
Michael Houlberg
- O$ Smartlist, complex grid with droplist and history
Michael Houlberg
- O$ Smartlist, complex grid with droplist and history
Michael Houlberg
- OT: My concert this weekend.
Michael Houlberg
- Ubuntu 10.04
- Omnis patches - and how to get them faster (was Ubunto 10.04)
- OT: Linux or Windows?
- Big Rant (was Re: Ubuntu 10.04 )
- Electronic Medical Records
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
- Electronic Medical Records
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
- Electronic Medical Records
- Postgres Character Sets
- Postgres Character Sets
- O$: Quandaries & Questions about converting DF1 to Postgres ( vs 5.0)
- O$: copying and moving files
- O$: copying and moving files
- O$: copying and moving files
- OT: My concert this weekend.
- OT: My concert this weekend.
- Split Mail
- Split Mail
- O'Reilly E-Books $9.99 Only for Today
- O'Reilly E-Books $9.99 Only for Today
- OT: My concert this weekend.
- Postgres SSL feature - easiest: true or false
- Unicode epiphany - and the light shines and all is very very good
- O$:Groupbox events
- O$:Copy formats
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Jeffrey Jones
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Jeffrey Jones
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Jeffrey Jones
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Jeffrey Jones
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
Jeffrey Jones
- Software Escrow Services
Paul Jonson
- Export to excel
Paul Jonson
- O$: Quandaries & Questions about converting DF1 to Postgres ( vs 5.0)
Paul Jonson
- copying and moving files
Paul Jonson
- O7 - "Printer Driver not found" error with new HP printers
Paul Jonson
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE... (my rant)
Chuck Kirkman
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE... (my rant)
Chuck Kirkman
- O$ 5.0 Fileops windows 2000
Louis Kirouac
- O$ 5.0 Fileops windows 2000
Louis Kirouac
- Ubuntu 10.04
Geert Landuyt
- Ubuntu 10.04
Geert Landuyt
- sending mails using SMTPSend and iso-8859-1 or utf8
Geert Landuyt
- Web Services Studio 5
Geert Landuyt
- Question re copying Omnis properties
Helma van der Linden
- Integration to Microsoft Word
Gordon Lindsay
- Database Cardinality In Omnis Studio 5
- Omnis+iPadForHacks?
Allan Lombardi
- $linecount
Michael Mantkowski
- Split Mail
Michael Mantkowski
- Split Mail
Michael Mantkowski
- Split Mail
Michael Mantkowski
- Split Mail
Michael Mantkowski
- Split Mail
Michael Mantkowski
- Postgres Syntax
Franco Maregotto
- R: Postgres Syntax
Franco Maregotto
- R: O$ 5.0 Fileops windows 2000
Franco Maregotto
- O$: statusbar notation
Franco Maregotto
- R: O$: statusbar notation
Franco Maregotto
- R: O$: statusbar notation
Franco Maregotto
- R: R: O$: statusbar notation
Franco Maregotto
- O$: drag a line from a list
Franco Maregotto
- Retreave date & structure from an access file
Kim Martel
- Big Rant (was Re: Ubuntu 10.04 )
Mike Matthews
- O$: Undefined Instance vars
Mike Matthews
- Big Rant (was Re: Ubuntu 10.04 )
Mike Matthews
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Mike Matthews
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Mike Matthews
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Mike Matthews
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Mike Matthews
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Mike Matthews
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Mike Matthews
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Mike Matthews
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
Mike Matthews
- Software Escrow Services
Mike Matthews
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Mike Matthews
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Mike Matthews
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Mike Matthews
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
Mike Matthews
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click (trimmed to bypass limit)
Mike Matthews
- Classic crashes on Parallel, MacBook multi key pad
Mike Matthews
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
Mike Matthews
- O$5 date help
Mike Matthews
- Classic in wine :was: Classic crashes on Parallel, MacBook multi key pad
Mike Matthews
- O$: copying and moving files
Mike Matthews
- OT: My concert this weekend.
Mike Matthews
- Report question
Mike Matthews
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Mike Matthews
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Mike Matthews
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Mike Matthews
- Populating picture field in Omnis List
Mike Matthews
- Populating picture field in Omnis List
Mike Matthews
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Joe Maus
- EOC: Program update...
Joe Maus
- Vermin update (UK Election)
Joe Maus
- if COL="" v if len(COL)=0
Joe Maus
- if COL="" v if len(COL)=0
Joe Maus
- O7 - "Printer Driver not found" error with new HP printers
Ron McCy
- Backing up postgres databases
David McKeone
- Multiple Libraries and CRB
Andrew McVeigh
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
Scotte Meredith
- Test
Scotte Meredith
- Split Mail
Scotte Meredith
- Split Mail
Scotte Meredith
- Removing toolbar object
Scotte Meredith
- O$: Email automation - DDE, or other alternatives
Scotte Meredith
- O$: Email automation - DDE, or other alternatives
Scotte Meredith
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
- Software Escrow Services
- Software Escrow Services
- Software Escrow Services
- Classic crashes on Parallel, MacBook multi key pad
- O$5 V3 DAM problem.
Dawid Mocke
- Omnis patches - and how to get them faster (was Ubunto 10.04)
Dawid Mocke
- Omnis patches - and how to get them faster (was Ubunto 10.04)
Dawid Mocke
- O7 and SQL2008 problem
Dawid Mocke
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
Dawid Mocke
- O$5 date help
Dawid Mocke
- O$5 date help
Dawid Mocke
- Test
Dawid Mocke
- O$5 retrieving data from ODBC DAM
Dawid Mocke
- O$5 retrieving data from ODBC DAM
Dawid Mocke
- O$5 Help
Dawid Mocke
- O$5 Question
Dawid Mocke
- O$5 retrieving data from ODBC DAM
Dawid Mocke
- O$5 Question
Dawid Mocke
- Strange error message
Dawid Mocke
- O$5 retrieving data from ODBC DAM
Dawid Mocke
- Export to excel
Dawid Mocke
- Export to excel
Dawid Mocke
- Export to excel
Dawid Mocke
- Export to excel
Dawid Mocke
- Export to excel
Dawid Mocke
- Export to excel
Dawid Mocke
- OT: My concert this weekend.
Dawid Mocke
- OT: My concert this weekend.
Dawid Mocke
- Export to excel
Dawid Mocke
- Export to excel
Dawid Mocke
- O$ 5.0 Fileops windows 2000
Dawid Mocke
- Creating MSAccess ODBC connections
Dawid Mocke
- Creating MSAccess ODBC connections
Dawid Mocke
- Studio 5 with SQL Server 2008 question
Dawid Mocke
- Studio 5 with SQL Server 2008 question
Dawid Mocke
- Caps lock on
Dawid Mocke
- O$ 5.0: VCS Version Numbers - How to change them
Peter Morris
- O$:Copy formats
Peter Morris
- Studio call to change a byte in a file?
Peter Morris
- Ubuntu 10.04
Bastiaan Olij
- Ubuntu 10.04
Bastiaan Olij
- Returning to the fold?
Bastiaan Olij
- Returning to the fold?
Bastiaan Olij
- OSv5: Setting the first fild
Bastiaan Olij
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Bastiaan Olij
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Bastiaan Olij
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Bastiaan Olij
- O7 and SQL2008 problem
Bastiaan Olij
- O7 and SQL2008 problem
Bastiaan Olij
- O7 and SQL2008 problem
Bastiaan Olij
- Postgres Character Sets
Bastiaan Olij
- Postgres Character Sets
Bastiaan Olij
- Postgres Character Sets
Bastiaan Olij
- Postgres Character Sets
Bastiaan Olij
- Postgres Character Sets
Bastiaan Olij
- O$5 date help
Bastiaan Olij
- Prevent Omnis from opening working message when printing
Bastiaan Olij
- Test
Bastiaan Olij
- O$5 retrieving data from ODBC DAM
Bastiaan Olij
- O$: Quandaries & Questions about converting DF1 to Postgres ( vs 5.0)
Bastiaan Olij
- Strange error message
Bastiaan Olij
- Strange error message
Bastiaan Olij
- O$5 retrieving data from ODBC DAM
Bastiaan Olij
- O$: copying and moving files
Bastiaan Olij
- O$: Sub window size
Bastiaan Olij
- Unable to set up a table or object from disk. The class name is ....
Bastiaan Olij
- O$: Sub window size
Bastiaan Olij
- O$ Postgres varchar / character varying not reliable
Bastiaan Olij
- sending mails using SMTPSend and iso-8859-1 or utf8
Bastiaan Olij
- Question for postgres gurus
Bastiaan Olij
- Question for postgres gurus
Bastiaan Olij
- Question for postgres gurus
Bastiaan Olij
- Populating picture field in Omnis List
Bastiaan Olij
- OSv5: Setting the first fild
Reg Paling
- O7 and SQL2008 problem
Reg Paling
- O7 and SQL2008 problem
Reg Paling
- $O5: $cfield and $cobj inconsistency (short rant)
Reg Paling
- O$: Complex Grid row colorizing
Reg Paling
- Multiple Libraries and CRB
Reg Paling
- Retreave date & structure from an access file
Reg Paling
- Omnis+iPadForHacks?
Reg Paling
- Database Cardinality In Omnis Studio 5
George Panagopoulos
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
George Panagopoulos
- O$ 5 . Combo Box.
George Panagopoulos
- $O Serilization
George Panagopoulos
- Returning to the fold?
Andrew Pavey
- Removing toolbar object
Chris Peck
- Removing toolbar object
Chris Peck
- Export to excel
Christine Penner
- Export to excel
Christine Penner
- O$: Sub window size
Christine Penner
- O$ tree list selected lines
Christine Penner
- O$: Sub window size
Christine Penner
- Removing toolbar object
Christine Penner
- Removing toolbar object
Christine Penner
- O$: Sub window size
Christine Penner
- O$: Caps lock on
Christine Penner
- Caps lock on
Christine Penner
- Caps lock on
Christine Penner
- Caps lock on
Christine Penner
- $getcolors()
Wesley Perdaens
- $getcolors()
Wesley Perdaens
- $getcolors()
Wesley Perdaens
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session - was: EOC: Program update...
Andreas Pfeiffer
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session - was: EOC: Program update...
Andreas Pfeiffer
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session - was: EOC: Program update...
Andreas Pfeiffer
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session - was: EOC: Program update...
Andreas Pfeiffer
- NO: trying to contact Lou Picciano
Andreas Pfeiffer
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Jock Philip
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE... (my rant)
Jock Philip
- Software Escrow Services
Jock Philip
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success storiespages
Jock Philip
- Strange error message
Jock Philip
- O7: Can't share library on 64 bit Win 2003 server?
Jock Philip
- Caps lock on
Jock Philip
- O7: Can't share library on 64 bit Win 2003 server?
Jock Philip
- O7 - "Printer Driver not found" error with new HP printers
Jock Philip
- OSv5: Setting the first fild
Mark Phillips
- Returning to the fold?
Mark Phillips
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Lou Picciano
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Lou Picciano
- ok, so I'm excited - Theatre Manager makes the TL success stories pages
Lou Picciano
- Postgres DAM
Lou Picciano
- Postgres Character Sets
Lou Picciano
- Postgres Character Sets
Lou Picciano
- Great list work - should be rewarded somehow (was Re: Postgres Character Sets)
Lou Picciano
- Test
Lou Picciano
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session - was: EOC: Program update...
Lou Picciano
- Backing up postgres databases
Lou Picciano
- A bit of nostalgia
Lou Picciano
- News Alert: Apple Surpasses Microsoft as Most Valuable Technology Company
Lou Picciano
- select count (*) in postgres
Lou Picciano
- Omnis patches - and how to get them faster (was Ubunto 10.04)
Jim Pistrang
- O$: Complex Grid row colorizing
Jim Pistrang
- O$: Complex Grid row colorizing
Jim Pistrang
- O$: copying and moving files
Jim Pistrang
- O$: mysterious font spacing
Jim Pistrang
- Opening files under windows with Omnis 5
Peter van Rooij
- Opening files under windows with Omnis 5
Peter van Rooij
- Export to excel
Peter van Rooij
- O$: statusbar notation
Peter van Rooij
- R: O$: statusbar notation
Peter van Rooij
- R: O$: statusbar notation
Peter van Rooij
- O$ how to select a tree list node
Michael Rowan
- AW: O$ how to select a tree list node
Michael Rowan
- SV: Copy formats
Daniel Sananes
- SV: Page count object
Daniel Sananes
- AW: O$ how to select a tree list node
- O$: $linecount
Alan Schmidt
- Omnis+iPadForHacks?
Alan Schmidt
- ODB V1.51 running on Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard Server
Vik Shah
- O$: copying and moving files
Bruno Del Sol
- O$: copying and moving files
Bruno Del Sol
- Postgres SSL feature - easiest: true or false
Bruno Del Sol
- Postgres SSL feature - easiest: true or false
Bruno Del Sol
- Postgres SSL feature - easiest: true or false
Bruno Del Sol
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Phil Sparmilk
- AW: Studio 5 with SQL Server 2008 question
Roman Stehrenberger
- O$432 Webserver and Safari om 10.6.3
Markus Steiner
- Electronic Medical Records
Alain Stouder
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Alain Stouder
- Studio 5 with SQL Server 2008 question
Alain Stouder
- Studio 5 with SQL Server 2008 question
Alain Stouder
- AW: Studio 5 with SQL Server 2008 question
Alain Stouder
- Returning to the fold?
Kim Sumner
- Test
Kim Sumner
- Returning to the fold?
David Swain
- $O5: $cfield and $cobj inconsistency (short rant)
David Swain
- Postgres Character Sets
David Swain
- Postgres Character Sets
David Swain
- Postgres Character Sets
David Swain
- O$ 5 . Combo Box.
David Swain
- Postgres Character Sets
David Swain
- Postgres Character Sets
David Swain
- Postgres Character Sets
David Swain
- Postgres Character Sets
David Swain
- Omnis Training returning to front burner
David Swain
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
David Swain
- Complex Grid ContextMenu click
David Swain
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
David Swain
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
David Swain
- kMLine (was Re: Complex Grid ContextMenu click)
David Swain
- O$5 Question
David Swain
- OT: My concert this weekend.
David Swain
- My concert this weekend.
David Swain
- A bit of nostalgia
David Swain
- Omnis+iPadForHacks?
David Swain
- Omnis+iPadForHacks?
David Swain
- Report question
David Swain
- O$: Gotcha : Reportengine
David Swain
- $getcolors()
David Swain
- touchscreen
David Swain
- $getcolors()
David Swain
- Studio call to change a byte in a file?
David Swain
David Swain
- OT: My concert this weekend.
Birger Ragnarson at Primedio Systems
- The left and right side of the brain (was OT: My concert this weekend.)
Birger Ragnarson at Primedio Systems
- The left and right side of the brain (was OT: My concert this weekend.)
Birger Ragnarson at Primedio Systems
- The left and right side of the brain (was OT: My concert this weekend.)
Birger Ragnarson at Primedio Systems
- Classic crashes on Parallel, MacBook multi key pad
Mike T.
- Export to excel
Roberto Targa
- O$4.3: How to change the rowdividerlinecolour in complex grid
Roberto Targa
- O$ 5.0: VCS Version Numbers - How to change them
Serban Teodorescu
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Mike Ternasky
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Mike Ternasky
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Mike Ternasky
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Mike Ternasky
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
Mike Ternasky
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Mike Ternasky
- Electronic Medical Records
Mike Ternasky
- Electronic Medical Records
Mike Ternasky
- OT: Previously used copy/fax machines hold secrets and IDs
Mike Ternasky
- Omnis Data File R/W Access
Mike Ternasky
- O$: US Customs forms
Grant Thiessen
- O$: copying and moving files
Grant Thiessen
- O$: copying and moving files
Grant Thiessen
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Grant Thiessen
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Grant Thiessen
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Grant Thiessen
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Grant Thiessen
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Grant Thiessen
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
Richard Ure
- How to check the selected printer is Online in OMNIS 738 version
Baulraj Vanamamalai
- Postgres Character Sets
Jean-Marc Voegeli
- O$ Smartlist, complex grid with droplist and history
Mark Watson
- O$ Smartlist, complex grid with droplist and history
Mark Watson
- O$ Postgres varchar / character varying not reliable
Mark Watson
- O$ Postgres varchar / character varying not reliable
Mark Watson
- O$ Postgres varchar / character varying not reliable
Mark Watson
- Returning to the fold?
Daniel Weinstein
- Returning to the fold?
Daniel Weinstein
- Returning to the fold?
Daniel Weinstein
- Returning to the fold?
Daniel Weinstein
- Backing up postgres databases
Rob Whitworth
- Export to excel
David Wieland
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
Dr Caroline Wilkins
- OT: Wahay! I just published my second book!
Dr Caroline Wilkins
- O$: copying and moving files
Gordon Wilson
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session - was: EOC: Program update...
Mark Wood
- EOC: Euromnis - Music session - was: EOC: Program update...
Mark Wood
- O$5 Question
Mark Wood
- $O5: Enable/Disable Fields - From Another Window
Jeffrey Wright
- Vermin update (was Re: HealthCare IT - the EHR - need to stop now)
Wizardcompserv at
- O7: Can't share library on 64 bit Win 2003 server?
Wizardcompserv at
- O$: main file strange behaviour
Wizardcompserv at
- Studio call to change a byte in a file?
Wizardcompserv at
- Strange error message
dhhorner at
- Strange error message
dhhorner at
- if COL="" v if len(COL)=0
- Export to excel
- Export to excel
- Omnis Data File R/W Access
- Omnis+iPadForHacks?
- O$ 5 : Translate key string runtime
- Caps lock on
- Caps lock on
todd aron, senior developer, software development
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
todd aron, senior developer, software development
- HealthCare IT - the EHR, the HIE...
todd aron, senior developer, software development
- if COL="" v if len(COL)=0
todd aron, senior developer, software development
- $O5: Enable/Disable Fields - From Another Window
todd aron, senior developer, software development
- if COL="" v if len(COL)=0
todd aron, senior developer, software development
- O$: copying and moving files
todd aron, senior developer, software development
Last message date:
Mon May 31 22:10:17 EDT 2010
Archived on: Tue Nov 3 18:16:51 EST 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).