$0 - Report Main Lists using Inst Var

Michael Houlberg michael at houlbergdevelopment.com
Fri Jan 29 11:10:13 EST 2010


I use instance variables for report main lists all the time, but I build that list in methods within the report instance which is how it is supposed to work.  It sounds like you have a window instance variable that you are trying to use in the report instance.  So that is a problem with scope of the variable.  You could pass the list to the report instance, or else copy it into a global such as #L8 and use that as the main list of the report.

Hope that helps.

Michael Houlberg
Houlberg Development, LLC

On Jan 29, 2010, at 8:04 AM, Chris Peck wrote:

> Hi All,
> Has anyone found a way to use the Set Report Main List command with an Instance variable list?  Using ver now, and I've found that if I change a class list variable during my window overhauls to an instance variable, the Set Report Main List will then give an error that the main list field is not a list field.  To get around this problem, I've been declaring a local var, then doing a merge, resetting the report main list to the local var, and all works fine, but it's not a good long term solution to the issue I've found.  Also, does anyone know if this issue has been forwarded to TL?
> Chris Peck
> Software Developer
> Word Master, Inc.
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