O$ - $control not firing on window Close Box click

Chris Peck chris-peck at wordmaster.com
Wed Jan 27 12:23:29 EST 2010

Hi All,

Does anyone know why an overridden $control method does not fire when  
a window's Close Box is being clicked?  I have an existing window that  
I've just done a few modifications to, which should have no effect on  
the window's $control method (no field $control's added or anything  
similar, just added a droplist for filtering purposes), and suddenly  
my window's $control no longer runs when the Close Box is clicked.  It  
runs in all other event circumstances as it should.  I have  
breakpointed the $control method to check to see if it even hits on  
the window's Close Box being clicked and nothing.  I've checked  
eventing against evClose and evCloseBox also, neither receives a hit  
in this situation.  I've tested against the window in its previous  
version in the same library, side by side with the new version, and  
the $control method runs perfectly on it, with the exact same coding  
in the $construct and $control.  Nothing else has changed for the  
window's composition or settings.  Anyone have any idea what else to  
look at?

Chris Peck
Software Developer
Word Master, Inc.

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