O$:Report $copies

IT it at plastipol.com
Wed Jan 27 10:43:51 EST 2010

Hi david

Let me understand. You use a kPictureobj not a kBackpicture object i  
the report. To let to print around the page you change to the "Paper"  
layer of the object. The question is: How do you change the layer of  
the object ?



El 27/01/2010, a las 16:08, David Swain escribió:

> Hi Xavier,
> That's why I use my own picture object in the :Page Heading:  
> section and simply move it to the "Paper" layer of the report so I  
> can place it where I wish. Lots more control using the "old" way of  
> doing things than this new property.
> Regards,
> David
> On Jan 27, 2010, at 6:40 AM, IT wrote:
>> Hi david,
>> Thanks for your assistance.
>> Reports $backpicture attributtes can't be changed in the instance  
>> of the report, only the format report can be changed.
>> xavier
>> El 27/01/2010, a las 3:04, David Swain escribió:
>>> Hi Gav,
>>> Again, try $backpicture.$picture...
>>> Also, check page 315 in the Programming manual (well, that's the  
>>> page for 4.3.1 manual anyway...).
>>> Regards,
>>> David
>>> On Jan 26, 2010, at 6:28 PM, Gavin Foster wrote:
>>>> Just looking at this briefly, it sounds to me like you can  
>>>> change the $backpicture attribute of a report class which is  
>>>> part of your library
>>>> i.e. $libs.LIB.$reports.REPORT.$backpicture
>>>> However you can't change the $backpicture attribute of a report  
>>>> instance ($ireports.REPORT.$backpicture)
>>>> If you think about it, that's not surprising - Omnis must load  
>>>> the $backpicture image when the report is instantiated and then  
>>>> it overlays report data as you print. You can't change what you  
>>>> have printed within that report (you can't change the value  
>>>> printed in record 10, field X). So it's unlikely to let you  
>>>> change the $backpicture behind what you have printed.
>>>> Pity though - I can see how you might find that useful. Why not  
>>>> send a request to TL support?
>>>> Rgds
>>>> Gav
>>>> On 26 Jan 2010, at 16:20, IT wrote:
>>>>> I am going to explain a little better. The instance report  
>>>>> can't change the $background attribute.
>>>>> El 26/01/2010, a las 17:18, IT escribió:
>>>>>> Yes, it works with the report format, but i can't change the  
>>>>>> background in the $construct. Its read only.
>>>>>> Thanks juan
>>>>>> El 26/01/2010, a las 16:35, Juan Bofill escribió:
>>>>>>> Xavier
>>>>>>> The code I send you works. Make a report with some  
>>>>>>> $backpicture in it and test it. The first print is without  
>>>>>>> the picture abd the second with the picture. Maybe $cinst is  
>>>>>>> not the report instance? Use the full notation to start and  
>>>>>>> "picture" is defined as picture field.
>>>>>>> Juan
>>>>>>> On 26/01/2010, at 10:37, IT wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Juan,
>>>>>>>> Are you able to change the backpicture property of a  
>>>>>>>> report ? I am not.
>>>>>>>> Calculate $cinst.$backpicture as ''
>>>>>>>> Do $cinst.$backpicture.$assign()
>>>>>>>> Are refusing to do anything.
>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>> xavier
>>>>>>>> El 25/01/2010, a las 19:55, Juan Bofill escribió:
>>>>>>>>> Xavier,
>>>>>>>>> This may help
>>>>>>>>> The report named CERT_CALIFICACIONES has a backpicture in  
>>>>>>>>> it to start with. The first prints without the picture and  
>>>>>>>>> the second print with the background picture.
>>>>>>>>> Set report name CERT_CALIFICACIONES
>>>>>>>>> Calculate picture as $root.$libs.Estudiantes. 
>>>>>>>>> $reports.CERT_CALIFICACIONES.$backpicture
>>>>>>>>> Do $root.$libs.Estudiantes.$reports.CERT_CALIFICACIONES. 
>>>>>>>>> $backpicture.$assign()
>>>>>>>>> Prompt for destination
>>>>>>>>> Load page setup
>>>>>>>>> Prompt for page setup
>>>>>>>>> Prepare for print (Ask for job setup)
>>>>>>>>> Print record
>>>>>>>>> End print
>>>>>>>>> Do $root.$libs.Estudiantes.$reports.CERT_CALIFICACIONES. 
>>>>>>>>> $backpicture.$assign(picture)
>>>>>>>>> Prompt for destination
>>>>>>>>> Load page setup
>>>>>>>>> Prompt for page setup
>>>>>>>>> Prepare for print (Ask for job setup)
>>>>>>>>> Print record
>>>>>>>>> End print
>>>>>>>>> Quit method
>>>>>>>>> On 20/01/2010, at 4:25, IT wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I have a report (an invoice) that can print an original  
>>>>>>>>>> and a copy. How I can change the background image of the  
>>>>>>>>>> report for the copies, so i can differentiate from the  
>>>>>>>>>> original ?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>>>> Xavier
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