O$: press return does not activate my OK button

Jim Pistrang jim at jpcr.com
Fri Jan 15 08:24:35 EST 2010

Hi Kelly (& others),

>If the Enter key works when the Return key doesn't, maybe you're in a 
>multiline entry field?  If not I'd look for an evOK handler that 
>might be quitting and discarding it.

Thanks for all suggestions so far, but I haven't figured this out yet.

I created a tiny library with one window, two entry fields, and OK and
Cancel buttons in Studio 4.  Pressing RETURN triggers the method behind
the OK button as I wish.

When I convert the library to Studio 5, pressing OK does NOT trigger the
OK method.  So, there must be a setting in my Studio 5 environment that
is wrong.  What could it be?



Jim Pistrang
JP Computer Resources
Certified Member, Apple Consultants Network 

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