07 Omnis crash in Parallels 5.0-snow leopard

Michael Mantkowski michaelj at clientrax.com
Thu Jan 14 07:29:32 EST 2010

Hi Mike,

I believe that .DLL is supposed to be in the same location as your
Omnis7.exe file.

Maybe that will help?


Michael Mantkowski
ClienTrax Software

-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com
[mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com] On Behalf Of Mike Ternasky
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 7:54 PM
To: OmnisDev List - English
Subject: 07 Omnis crash in Parallels 5.0-snow leopard

Hi... awhile back I wrote of crashes of Omnis 7 under parallels 5.0, snow
leopard and XP.  I found out the problem was that I had not installed all
the service packs under xp. However, I was going good with no crashes until
today. Up until today I was always starting Omnis followed by the message
that I was missing OMNI2UI.DLL.  I got tired of seeing the message so I
found a copy of this dll and moved it into windows/system32 and then the
crashes began.

I pulled it out and still problems.  I reinstalled Omnis and no missing
OMNI2UI.DLL, but still crashing. 

The crash can occur with nothing going on, running a routine or changing
some code, never the same reason.

When I look at the location in the crash document before Windows sends it
off to somewhere it has the same offset and the addresses is always the

Is there a way to track what is going on and maybe understand why it
crashes?  I have the Sys(3000) with the written trace, but the results do
not shed any light.  I increased and tinkered with Parallels memory, but no

I was hoping someone might have a suggestion other than reinstalling
parallels again.

Thanks for the assistance.

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