Impact Printer OSX
Kelly Burgess
kellyb at
Wed Jan 13 03:23:52 EST 2010
>Hmm, so what are you sending the remote Mac? The whole invoice text
>or just the invoice number so that the remote Mac can do the lookup
>of data and then print using Omnis, etc?
I'm sending the entire set of bytes that the printer will get. I've
got a method in the printer object subclass that builds the lines
based on their section and line numbers, and that method knows how
and when to insert escape sequences to adjust the position
; assemble name/address field
Calculate scratch as con(mid(cusName,1,20),' ',cusAddress)
; make section 1 line 1 -- name+address, invoice#, sold to
Do tML490.$makeLineString(1,1,kTrue,scratch,iInvNumber,cusName)
Returns lineText
Calculate headerText as con(headerText,lineText) ;; add line 1
Inside $makeLineString it might detect that it's just assembled line
2 of the header section, so it needs to
; drop 9/180ths inch to line up with prompt on form
Do method prefixWithRollForward (lineText,9)
Then there's a $getConfigString method that puts a bunch of escape
codes together to start the header:
; build a config string for the Okidata ML490...
Do method addProportionalOnOff (configString,kFalse) ;; Monospaced
Do method addUnidirectionalOnOff (configString,kFalse) ;; Bidirectional
Do method addSetRightMargin (configString,132) ;; right margin
132 (character spaces past home)
Do method addSetLeftMargin (configString,0) ;; left margin 0
(character spaces past home)
Do method add6LPIOnOff (configString,kTrue) ;; 6 lines per inch
Do method add12pitch (configString) ;; 12 characters per inch
If pIsStatementForm
Do method addPageHeightInLines (configString,51) ;; 8.5 inch
statement forms -- 51 lines at 6 lines/inch
Do method addPageHeightInInches (configString,7) ;; 7 inch
invoice forms
End If
Do method addLQtypeface (configString,2) ;; Courier
Do method addNLQOnOff (configString,kFalse) ;; NLQ off
Do method addHSDDraftFontOnOff (configString,kFalse) ;; Utility
draft font, not HSD
Do method addCharacterStyle (configString,0) ;; set Normal
character style
Do method addCompressedOnOff (configString,kFalse) ;; No
compressed character width
Do method addUnderliningOnOff (configString,kFalse) ;; No underlining
Do method addItalicsOnOff (configString,kFalse) ;; No italics
Quit method configString ;; return the string for sending to the printer
And those methods are mostly one-liners like
; Okidata escape sequence for setting 12 cpi (Elite) pitch
Calculate pConfigString as con(pConfigString,chr(27,77))
So I assemble the whole invoice, UUencode it to protect the escape
sequences and make Applescript happy with the data, and off it goes.
UUdecode it on the other end and dump it to the printer.
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