Impact Printer OSX

Mike Matthews omnis at
Tue Jan 12 11:22:49 EST 2010

Yes it does, and they are not nice.  Studio still uses COM & LPT ports  
for printing direct ascii to the printer.  Not seen those for many  
moons, but you can upgrade by adding a card.

Mac users are stuffed however, I have had to use the graphic print  
driver for Epson with OSX, works ok even over TCP/IP, but slow.

Another way with Epson printers with network cards is to send the text  
file via TFTP to the printer.  I had problems keeping registration,  
but the printer can go at it's max speed.

Not as good as the old days however.

Mike Matthews
Managing Director
Lineal Software Solutions Ltd

Authorised Apple Reseller,  Omnis Business Partner

Tel: 01271 850 550

Email: mike.matthews at


On 12 Jan 2010, at 16:01, Juan Bofill wrote:

> I think that means some kind of USB to serial adapter will be  
> needed? Can I select the USB pot and then send ASCII characters to it?
> Thanks
> Juan
> On 12-01-2010, at 10:01, Gavin Foster wrote:
>> We used to use Mannesman Tally printers. They were chosen for their  
>> speed and (I think) worked with Mac years ago, before we migrated  
>> to Windows.
>> You will need to check the current status of Tally drivers on Mac  
>> OSX before proceeding.
>> Remember that if you are looking for pure performance, you should  
>> send ASCII characters to port, rather than printing via a printer  
>> driver. You lose the ability to change fonts, print graphics like  
>> background objects (rectangles etc) and you can't position with  
>> pixel accuracy. However, sending ascii to a directly connected (not  
>> networked) printer and letting the printer print using it's own  
>> internal font set is an old fashioned way of churning out high  
>> volumes rapidly.
>> HTH
>> Gav
>> On 12 Jan 2010, at 14:05, Juan Bofill wrote:
>>> Keith,
>>> What does SL mean?
>>> Juan
>>> On 12-01-2010, at 8:02, Keith Bartlett wrote:
>>>> There are drivers in SL
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