EOC: EurOmnis videos...

Fred Brinkman fred.brinkman at euromnis.com
Fri Dec 24 07:33:50 EST 2010

Turns out there was a problem with the link pointing to the videos,  
thanks to Kelly for pointing it out...
there's a period at the end causing havoc...

The correct link should read




Fred Brinkman

Fred Brinkman Consultancy
B-1000 Brussels

Tel. +32-474-83 80 80
Fax +32-2-330 10 31 (on request)
Email fred.brinkman at euromnis.com

Op 23 dec 2010, om 21:44 heeft Fred Brinkman het volgende geschreven:

> Guys, Gals,
> Just before the Christmas holidays TigerLogic Germany has managed to  
> cut the EurOmnis videos. At this moment there's videos of Jim  
> Pistrang's and Raymond Tress’s sessions as well as the TL plenary  
> presentations of the two Bobs on Wednesday afternoon. The Studio  
> Application Lab by Andreas Pfeiffer is on its way... his sessions  
> alone cover more than 18 hours of video so editing that amount of  
> material can easily take another christmas holiday ;-)
> A big thank you to Ray who did most of the editing...  cutting over  
> 50Gb of video into something presentable is quite an undertaking...
> So, if you always wanted to know what happens at EurOmnis, this is  
> your chance to see...
> http://www.tigerlogic.com/tigerlogic/omnis/developers/videos/ 
> index.jsp.
> Enjoy!
> Fred.
> Fred Brinkman
> www.euromnis.com
> **********************************************
> Fred Brinkman Consultancy
> B-1000 Brussels
> Tel. +32-474-83 80 80
> Fax +32-2-330 10 31 (on request)
> Email fred.brinkman at euromnis.com
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