iOS : restarting the Omnis app

Andy Hilton andyh at
Wed Dec 15 10:15:41 EST 2010

First question answered - to automatically start your remote form - you simply need to turn the design mode to off in the iOS Omnis settings - and provided your entries for the rest are correct then your remote form duly starts up....

Second question half answered - if you get the option to 'End Session' on the device - that *will* allow you to close the app and when opening it, to restart afresh - now it may be that the second answer here is also related to the first (i.e. when not in design mode it works differently) which is what I am thinking it is - I'll keep everyone posted....


On Dec 15, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Andy Hilton wrote:

> Progress so far :
> I have communication going between my iPad simulator and my server - and also between my iPad and my server......
> 2 small problems which I currently have :
> 1 - currently when I open my 'Omnis' app on the iPad I don't get anything seen - the only way I can currently work is by doing a ctrl-T on my web server app remote form.....I suspect this is to do with my settings somewhere - just not sure where ! Does anyone know how you get a remote form to automatically 'load' when starting the iOS app on the device ?
> 2 - now we have multi-taskign entering the picture ! If you time out your connection on the iPad there seems to be a problem in reconnecting currently. A message comes up on the device telling you that you are disconnected and to use the home buttton to quit the app. All of which would be fine - except that in the world of multi-tasking iOS - it doesn't quit the Omnis app, so opening it again simply has you in the exact same spot ! i.e. the question now is : how do you actually force a restart of the Omnis app on the device ?
> I am realising that I may not get too many answers as yet so am putting these out as much as a trail for others to follow !!
> Oh and another small thing I discovered by accident when trying to get my xcode build on to my iPad :
> I was diligently following the manual and created my build app - using the 'Distribution' option as it says to do in the Omnis Whats New 5.1 doc - however I then hit an error in xcode that the executable is signed with invalid entitlements. After a little googling I realised that what this means is that I am currently only signed up to Apple as a development only profile - not with a full distribution in this case I have to switch my xcode build to a 'Debug' build - which the Omnis manual says not to do - but it works !
> This then probably also explains why the rest of the manual example of using iTunes to sync the 'Omnis' app to the iPad followed the same path (same entitlement error)......but what I did discover - which is a very useful thing - is that if your device is hard wire connected to your mac when you make your build - the build is put straight on to your device as well at the same time - hurrah ! So no need to then sync via iTunes as well - which saves a step....
> But hey - I have a remote form working with data passing back and forth so I'm pretty happy so far :)
> Andy_____________________________________________________________
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