O$: Tree list

Christine Penner christine at ingenioussoftware.com
Wed Apr 29 11:36:00 EDT 2009

The only thing I need to set is the $ident to the key of the table.

At 05:01 PM 28/04/2009, you wrote:
>Hi Christine,
>If you don't need to set a lot of node-specific properties, then I 
>find $setnodelist to be very convenient. On the other hand if you 
>need to set individual textcolor, ndoe icons, dis/en-able, 
>expand/collapse boxes, or $tag values, then I find it's better to 
>$add() each node one at a time. If you use $add() be sure to use an 
>item reference for quick access to your newly created node; that's 
>very handy for setting any additional attributes!
>Christine Penner wrote:
>>I'm trying to build a dynamic tree list. There is a couple of ways 
>>to do that and I'm looking for everyones opinion which is best........
>>No matter how I do it I will have to walk through both the lists. 
>>Here are the 2 options I have come up with.
>>1. Add nodes one at a time using $add().
>>2. Build a list (using the kFlatList form) and use $setnodelist()
>Brian O'Sullivan; Bear, DE
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