Omnis5 Beta2 and Xcomps

Gary Connor gary_connor at
Wed Apr 29 11:06:14 EDT 2009

   For 25 years I have worked with= Blythe/Omnis Software/Raining Data/Tiger
   Logic at the highest developer= level.  I wanted to make a comment about
   Studio 5 that I mean to be= helpful rather than insulting...

   If you remember, many= people failed to move from Omnis 7 to Studio because
   of data file= incompatibilities.  Once Larry Barcot suggested (and you
   implemented)= data file compatibility, it made it possible for those of us
   with a large= installed or a large number of libraries to convert without
   having to do= all the work at once.

   With the move to Unicode= (certainly a move with which I agree and support)
   you  have  left  most of us= in the same position as occurred with the
   Omnis7-to-Studio switch.=  Almost all of us use externals.  In our case we
   build our own as= well as using many from Kelly.  Unfortunately the sample
   code and apps= for building Unicode externals is woefully inadequate - for
   instance,= taking the FileOps sample and attempting to build it, following
   what= instructions are available, leads to failure.  This is true on the   Windows platform using Studio2005 or Studio2008.

   My point is, many= developers will be UNABLE to move to Studio 5 until we
   are able to convert= all of our necessary externals to Unicode.  Getting
   support (and we= have used Kelly, the List, and open cases with Tech Support
   through Thad)= has been less than efficient, with an average response time
   through Tech= Support of about a week, and no response has been sufficient.

   My point being, I believe= that history shows that you will see a MUCH
   FASTER  adoption of Studio 5 if= you put some time into a DETAILED AND
   COMPREHENSIVE Tech Note on converting= externals to Unicode.  This will
   allow everyone to move to Studio5 at= a faster rate, and this translates
   into revenue for Tiger Logic.

   Having spoken to quite a= few developers over the past month in attempting
   to resolve build issues= with the Unicode xcomps, I believe I am speaking
   for many developers, some= of whom have simply stopped trying.


   Gary Connor, PhD, CIO

   [1]DirectLine= Technologies, Inc.

   1600 N. Carpenter Road

   Building D

   Modesto, CA 95351

   (209) 491-2020


   1. 3D""/
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