[unsure] O$ $makeshema error

Bastiaan Olij lists at basenlily.nl
Tue Apr 28 22:22:12 EDT 2009

Hi Louis,

That is probably correct.

I'm not sure about Oracle or MySQL but on MSSQL you store UCS-2 unicode
which is 2 bytes per character. So a 200 character string in Omnis would
be 400 bytes in size on MSSQL.

For UTF-8 a single character can be anywhere between 1 and 6 bytes.
Its probably just reporting the storage size in bytes and may be taking
an average size.



Louis Kirouac wrote:
> Omnis Studio 4.3.1 unicode
> Oracle 10g on OS X server
> OS X 10.4
> Oracle thin client
> or
> Windows Xp Pro sp2
> Oracle client 10g
> All the character fields are 1/2 the length they are on the server.
> ----------------------------------------------
> Omnis Studio 4.3.1 unicode
> MySql version: 5.0.45-log on OSX server utf8 tables
> All character fields are 3 times bigger then they are on the server.
> ----------------------------------------------
> Omnis Studio 4.2 non unicode with the same servers, the schemas are OK.
> This is probably a unicode problem. Anybody else seen this, or has a
> solution?
> Thanks

Kindest Regards,

Bastiaan Olij
e-mail/MSN: bastiaan at basenlily.nl
web: http://www.basenlily.nl
Skype: Mux213

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