O$ - Tear Off Post Card Report

Michael Mantkowski michaelj at clientrax.com
Tue Apr 28 15:51:06 EDT 2009

Hi Kevin,

I was actually able to get around the issue by adding a 2nd positioning
section immediately after the report section.

I am not sure why this works.  However, it does so I am not going to ask too
many questions.

Truthfully, I think there is an issue with Omnis.  When using the fixed with
Record Sections, Omnis is only going from the record section to the
positioning section.  However, I think that the positioning section should
be considered as part of the record section as a whole.  And in fact, this
is how it is displayed in the Report editor.


Michael Mantkowski
ClienTrax Software

-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com
[mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com] On Behalf Of Kevin James
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 2:23 PM
To: OmnisDev List - English
Subject: Re: O$ - Tear Off Post Card Report

Hi Mike,
It is possible that David Swain has some clever tricks for this but ...
I would be inclined to revert to not using the positioning section in  
this case.  Perhaps you could consider padding out the name & address  
with spaces so it becomes a fixed length field.
This will not entirely fix your problem unless you are using a fixed  
width font (which I doubt you are) since different characters  
(including spaces) have different widths.


Kevin James

Kevin James
interqual2 at optusnet.com.au

Mobile: 0412 727-745
A/Hrs  : (07) 3161-5662

On 23/04/2009, at 8:12 AM, Michael Mantkowski wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> For years we have printed post cards from a laser printer form where  
> there
> are three card vertically on the page that are torn apart via  
> perforations
> after printing.
> Recently, we have change the format of the return Name and Address  
> area of
> the card to allow from 3 to 5 lines.
> The card is done up as a label format with only a Record section and a
> positioning section to allow for the variable height address field.
> The issue is, that each card needs to be set to a height of 3.6  
> inches,
> which I used to do by setting the Record section to print 3.6 inches  
> from
> the Top of the last section.  But now that the positioning section  
> is in
> there it is making the measurement off.
> I tried setting the Record section to a fixed length of 3.60, but even
> though the positioning section is shown as inside the record block,  
> the 3.60
> is calculated from the record to the top of the positioning section  
> rather
> than the bottom of the record section.
> Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get a fixed height for the  
> record
> section as a whole in this case?
> Thanks,
> Mike
> *********************************************************************
> Michael Mantkowski
> ClienTrax Software
> 1-800-416-2815
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