Omnis Graphs2 not visible on Parallels 4

Fred Brinkman fred.brinkman at
Tue Apr 28 07:20:28 EDT 2009


You only have this in 4.3.1?
I can see it works fine under XP and Vista in 4.3.0 (Parallels 4.0.3810)

Fred Brinkman

Fred Brinkman Consultancy
B-1000 Brussels

Tel. +32-474-83 80 80
Fax +32-2-330 10 31 (on request)
mailto:fred.brinkman at

Op 28 apr 2009, om 13:04 heeft Inge Bøhn het volgende geschreven:

> Hi all
> I run Windows XP on Parallels 4.0 on my new MacBook Pro.
> In my Omnis 4.3.1 application windows that contain graphs (Omnis  
> Graphs2) the graphs are invisible. (they are of course visible under  
> MacOSX)
> If I run the application on a "real" Windows PC with Windows XP or  
> Vista the graphs are visible and quite normal as they should be.
> (I had the same problem on my earlier MacBook and with  Parallels 3,  
> but I had hoped that upgrading to Parallels 4.0 would fix the  
> problem.)
> Anyone that have some ideas of how to deal with this?
> I would really like to have my application running under Mac and  
> Windows on the same machine, for demonstrations, testing etc, but  
> without the graphs the application is not actual to demonstrate.
> Regards
> Inge Bøhn
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