
Andy Hilton andyh at totallybrilliant.com
Sun Apr 26 16:27:13 EDT 2009

As with earlier versions of Omnis, it's a small tweak to the binary to get
it back again !

On 4/26/09 4:16 PM, "Fred Brinkman" <fred.brinkman at euromnis.org> wrote:

> there's no relicensing as far as I know... but 4.3.1 converts the
> library so it cannot be used with 4.3.0 anymore.
> Fred Brinkman
> http://www.euromnis.org
> **********************************************
> Fred Brinkman Consultancy
> B-1000 Brussels
> Tel. +32-474-83 80 80
> Fax +32-2-330 10 31 (on request)
> mailto:fred.brinkman at euromnis.org
> *********************************************
> Op 26 apr 2009, om 21:38 heeft Leijenhorst het volgende geschreven:
>> 4.3.1 works with 4.3.0 licencies
>> what is relicensing?
>> Jan
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Grant Thiessen" <bookit at mts.net>
>> To: "OmnisDev List - English" <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 6:22 PM
>> Subject: Japanese
>>> I have a need to be able to record and store Japanese characters in
>>> my  DML database.
>>> Will going to Unicode give me this capability?
>>> Assuming this is correct, are there any gotchas in switching?
>>> Also, I am in 4.3.0, and don't really want to have to relicense all
>>> my  installations for one user.  Is there a place I can download
>>> Unicode  4.3.0?
>>> Grant
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