
Andy Hilton andyh at totallybrilliant.com
Sun Apr 26 12:51:31 EDT 2009


Nothing to do with Japanese, but on the subject of 430 and 431, I have a
mixed set of clients - I am trying to get everyone converted to 431 but
still have some of the heavier hitters on 430 who may take a while to

In fact this is not such a hard thing to manage - I develop in the lowest
common denominator (430) and my autoupdater for new libraries includes
automatic under the hood conversion from 430 to 431 as required so the users
don't even know that libraries may be being converted.....I started out
thinking it would be the old Classic style nightmare of effectively having
to maintain 2 versions, but it's actually not bad in any way shape at all, I
don't even think about it.....

Just for your info in case you wanted to use a 431 version for your one
client :)


On 4/26/09 12:22 PM, "Grant Thiessen" <bookit at mts.net> wrote:

> I have a need to be able to record and store Japanese characters in my
> DML database.
> Will going to Unicode give me this capability?
> Assuming this is correct, are there any gotchas in switching?
> Also, I am in 4.3.0, and don't really want to have to relicense all my
> installations for one user.  Is there a place I can download Unicode
> 4.3.0?
> Grant
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