Picture fields
Kelly Burgess
kellyb at montana.com
Fri Apr 24 21:07:05 EDT 2009
Hi Steve,
I do image scaling in the $print method of a positioning section that
decides whether or not to include the picture field in that section.
My picture field is about an inch and a half wide, half an inch tall,
and I want it to max out at 4x4 inches, so anything bigger than 4
inches will be scaled, otherwise not. $noscale is kTrue,
$keepaspectratio is false, $horz/$vertdpi are 0... So I do this...
Do pictconvto(pictformat(fImage.IM_IMAGE),fImage.IM_IMAGE,'CS24')
Returns picture
Do pictsize(picture,pictWidth,pictHeight) Returns return
If return&pictWidth<>0
If (pictWidth/72>4.0)|(pictHeight/72>4.0)
; scale pictures larger than 4 inches wide or high...
Calculate $cinst.$objs.recipeImage.$noscale as kFalse
If pictWidth>pictHeight
Calculate newWidth as 4.0
Calculate newHeight as 4.0*(pictHeight/pictWidth)
Calculate newHeight as 4.0
Calculate newWidth as 4.0*(pictWidth/pictHeight)
End If
; scaling on, set exact height and width of picture field
Calculate $cinst.$objs.recipeImage.$height as newHeight
Calculate $cinst.$objs.recipeImage.$width as newWidth
; no scaling, actual image width used regardless of what the field size is
Calculate newWidth as pictWidth
End If
Calculate $cinst.$objs.recipeImage.$left as (7.75-newWidth)/2 ;;
center on page
Do default
End If
'picture' is an instance variable, used as the $dataname of the
picture field in the section.
So I let the picture org at top/left, and rather than try to center
it within the field I just control the left coordinate to get the
whole thing centered on the page.
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