O$ : Is it possible to write a app with Omnis and give it away for free

Fred Brinkman fred.brinkman at euromnis.org
Fri Apr 24 05:45:40 EDT 2009


Don't agree with you here, Omnis is a great tool but that does not  
mean one can use it for just everything. Somethings a simple Java or  
PHP thingy will do the job much better than Omnis, just imagine the  
runtime that has to go with it. You write a smaal 500k app and you  
have 150Mb of environment to go with it. Just don't work that way.

I think you're looking for solutions in the right direction, not in  

Just my 2c


Fred Brinkman

Fred Brinkman Consultancy
B-1000 Brussels

Tel. +32-474-83 80 80
Fax +32-2-330 10 31 (on request)
mailto:fred.brinkman at euromnis.org

Op 24 apr 2009, om 09:43 heeft Rainer R. Greim het volgende geschreven:

> Hi Roberto,
> The story conitnues... :Rainer the fool, tries another tool.
> The big problem is, I need something which is very small for  
> distribution, fits perfect into windows, and allows roundtrip  
> engineering, and everybody in the house is able to install it,  
> without calling a hotline. Thats why I was thinking about Omnis.  
> Small app, runtime, finished, Rainer happy.
> If they need more, in other words I get money for this, I have to  
> check out, how much, and what is the risk. Then its (I do hope)  
> Omnis time again.
> Rainer
> ...still dreaming of a Omnis killer app, which makes me rich, so I  
> can buy my palace in italay and asia....
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