$assigrow problem
Fred Brinkman
fred.brinkman at euromnis.org
Thu Apr 23 04:51:26 EDT 2009
As far as I know a schema class is a 'mirror' of the table in your
database. The Studio DAM takes care of the correct translation.
Fred Brinkman
Fred Brinkman Consultancy
B-1000 Brussels
Tel. +32-474-83 80 80
Fax +32-2-330 10 31 (on request)
mailto:fred.brinkman at euromnis.org
Op 23 apr 2009, om 10:40 heeft Rainer R. Greim het volgende geschreven:
> Hi,
> isnt a shema class something like a struct in C, C++ but more
> readable.
> So couldnt u use it for almost everything, in a more comfortable
> way...
> Btw : is it also possible to generate these classes on the fly ?
> If have use this approch for a long time with foxpro
> step 1: build a table
> step 2: use scatter/gather memvar...
> Rainer
> Zitat von Jean Marc Azerad <azerad.jm at wanadoo.fr>:
>> HI Bas,
>>> With a schema class Omnis Studio uses the
>>> build in table class but only since Omnis Studio 4.3 (if I am not
>>> mistaken) and you have to mark the schema class as such. Earlier
>>> versions of Studio require you to have a table class related to the
>>> schema class.
>> To me, the build in table class works with any version of Studio (not
>> sure for 1.0, I've never used it)
>>> Also out of interest, why don't you define iList from your schema/
>>> table class and change your loop to:
>>> for iList.$line from 1 to iList.$linecount
>>> do iList.$insert()
>>> end for
>> Brilliant, so simple, never thought about this but obvious when you
>> read it
>> Thank you for the tips, it is going to save me a lot of lines of
>> code...
>> JM
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> --
> bye
> Rainer R. Greim
> RGreim at GreimConsulting.de
> http://www.GreimConsulting.com
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> Phone : +49 (0)1738180430
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