Old blog posts
Steve Finger
steve at srptech.com
Wed Apr 15 14:29:39 EDT 2009
Thanks for doing this.
Steve Finger
Bastiaan Olij wrote:
> Hey All,
> This is still a bit of a work in progress, I found out my own backup of
> my tutorials wasn't fully complete so I had to piece a few things
> together (long live archive.org) but I've put my old tutorials on my
> blog site: http://www.basenlily.nl/blog/category/Omnis
> I may just leave it as is and start doing some new ones, after working
> with Studio 4 for a year (when I did the tutorials I was still stuck in
> Studio 3) I've learned some new tricks and as any developer will say, no
> matter how experienced he is, I would do things differently today :)
> That said, the tutorials still contain some valuable info for anyone
> getting started in Studio.
> Greetz,
> Bastiaan Olij
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