O$: Instance name from Subwindow

Steve Finger steve at srptech.com
Mon Apr 13 19:44:37 EDT 2009

Hi Fred,

Doesn't $cinst().$container tell you what the sub-window resides in?

Steve Finger

Fred Brinkman wrote:
> Bas,
> No, I need the name of the class where the subwindow resides in...
> $class().$name and $cinst().$classname give me the classname of the 
> subwindow itself
> $cinst.$class.$name and $cinst.$wind.$class().$name give me the 
> classname of the window the subwindow resides in (the one I was looking 
> for)
> As always it turns out there's more than one way to skin the cat...
> Thanks for your insights,
> Fred
> Fred Brinkman
> http://www.euromnis.org
> **********************************************
> Fred Brinkman Consultancy
> B-1000 Brussels
> Tel. +32-474-83 80 80
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> mailto:fred.brinkman at euromnis.org
> *********************************************
> Op 14 apr 2009, om 01:11 heeft Bastiaan Olij het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi Fred.
>> You need the classname for the subwindow? Well thats even easier. A
>> subwindow lives within a subwindowfield and the subwindow field contains
>> the information about the class of the window living within it. So
>> anywhere within your subwindow code simply do $cinst().$classname
>> ($classname is a property of your subwindow field). From outside access
>> $classname on the subwindow field as you would with any other property,
>> so $iwindows.mywindow.$objs.mysubwindowfield.$classname.
>> If you need the class of a window you can also do $cinst.$class().$name.
>> For some reason I remember that not working all to well on subwindows, i
>> think because it defaults to trying to resolve this on the subwindow
>> field. $cclass().$name can also work but that has some problems if you
>> are running code in a super class.
>> Code I often use if I have a class that can be both subwindow or window
>> or for code in my baseclass window that is used by both windows and
>> subwindows is:
>> calculate lvClassName as
>> pick(len($cinst().$classname),$cinst().$class().$name,$cinst().classname)
>> Works 99% of the time for me.
>> Greetz,
>> Bas
>> Fred Brinkman wrote:
>>> Thanks Christine, Bas,
>>> Turns out I put my question the wrong way around... It should be a bit
>>> to early in the evening to make mistakes like this, but still...
>>> I had the instance ($cinst.$wind().$name) but I needed the class and
>>> not the other way around... must be age.
>>> I have 2 ways to get the name of the class from my subwindow in an
>>> instance of that class, both giving the same result
>>> 1)  $cinst.$wind.$class().$name
>>> 2)  $cwind.$class().$name
>>> is there a 'correct' or a 'preferred' one and if yes, why?
>>> Fred
>>> Fred Brinkman
>>> http://www.euromnis.org
>>> **********************************************
>>> Fred Brinkman Consultancy
>>> B-1000 Brussels
>>> Tel. +32-474-83 80 80
>>> Fax +32-2-330 10 31 (on request)
>>> mailto:fred.brinkman at euromnis.org
>>> *********************************************
>>> Op 14 apr 2009, om 00:36 heeft Bastiaan Olij het volgende geschreven:
>>>> Hey Fred,
>>>> $cwind() as was mentioned before is the reference to the current 
>>>> window,
>>>> so the window itself that is open on which the subwindow resides. 
>>>> $cinst
>>>> points to the current instance which when you are running code within,
>>>> which would be your subwindow.
>>>> There is no direct path to the subwindow instance, its not in
>>>> '$iwindows' as it is contained within a window. $cinst().$name within
>>>> the subwindow therefor gives you the name of the subwindow field on the
>>>> window which is correct.
>>>> But prosuming your subwindow is directly on your parent window, you can
>>>> access the subwindow through notation through
>>>> $iwindows.mywindowinstance.$objs.mysubwindowfield
>>>> The funny thing is that notation wise, your subwindow instance is
>>>> superimposed ontop of the subwindow field so if the notation can be
>>>> resolved on the subwindow field, that is what you get, but if it can
>>>> not, Omnis then evaluates the notation towards the subwindow instance.
>>>> So $iwindows.mywindowinstance.$objs.mysubwindowfield.$top return the
>>>> $top value of the subwindow field relative to its container but
>>>> $iwindows.mywindowinstance.$objs.mysubwindowfield.$objs.$first().$top
>>>> returns the $top value of the first object within your subwindow
>>>> instance.
>>>> You have to be careful where you place such code as you may end up 
>>>> using
>>>> your subwindow in other places as well and you do not want to be
>>>> dependent on a fixed notational path that may no longer be valid.
>>>> Alternatively you can simply use $cinst().$ref to get an item reference
>>>> to your subwindow instance.
>>>> Or on your subwindow field on your parent window use the old:
>>>> ----
>>>> $construct
>>>> set reference ivSubWinRef as $cfield().$ref
>>>> ----
>>>> trick.
>>>> Finally, you can always examine the outcome of $cinst().$fullname to 
>>>> get
>>>> the full notational path in text from within a method in your 
>>>> subwindow.
>>>> Hope that helps,
>>>> Bas
>>>> Fred Brinkman wrote:
>>>>> Guys,
>>>>> How do I get the name from the window-itance from within a subwindow
>>>>> in that instance?
>>>>> I tried things like $cinst.$wind().$name and alike but I always get
>>>>> the name of the window class (wMyWIndow), not the instance
>>>>> (wMyWindow_155)
>>>>> I know it's something obvious, but...
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Fred
>>>>> Fred Brinkman
>>>>> http://www.euromnis.org
>>>>> **********************************************
>>>>> Fred Brinkman Consultancy
>>>>> B-1000 Brussels
>>>>> Tel. +32-474-83 80 80
>>>>> Fax +32-2-330 10 31 (on request)
>>>>> mailto:fred.brinkman at euromnis.org
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>>>> Kindest Regards,
>>>> Bastiaan Olij
>>>> e-mail/MSN: bastiaan at basenlily.nl
>>>> web: http://www.basenlily.nl
>>>> Skype: Mux213
>>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/bastiaanolij
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>> -- 
>> Kindest Regards,
>> Bastiaan Olij
>> e-mail/MSN: bastiaan at basenlily.nl
>> web: http://www.basenlily.nl
>> Skype: Mux213
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/bastiaanolij
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