AW: O$4.3.1 crashing on Terminal Server
Rudolf Bargholz
bargholz at
Wed Apr 8 02:36:41 EDT 2009
Hi Mary,
We unfortunately also have a lot of crashes of Studio on Citrix. Studio crashes about 5 times a day for about 10 concurrent users. We think it might have something to do with printing. The users report they attempt to print documents and Studio gracefully disappears from their screens. We have other instances when printing where Studio reports errors while printing that we have not been able to reproduce, even though they occur at regular intervals at our customers, but not crashing as we have experienced on the TS/Citrix. We are still investigating the matter.
On an aside, relating to the comments you made below, I have noticed Citrix (or TS) turns on some sort of caching mechanism. If you modify a file, the modifications will not be activated until some sort of event is generated. If you modify a file and then copy or rename that file, the modifications are actually written to the disk. If we make modifications to libraries while TS users are accessing the libraries, almost always the modifications will be lost in the course of the day. We have to check out the modifications from our VCS when no TS users are accessing the libraries. You might try creating a temporary library in which you copy your classes, then close the lib and copy the temp file to the production location, if this fits into your application process. A possible solution to try is to ensure all users have their own libraries. Perhaps you could set this up for two users and see if this alleviates your problems for these two users.
Rudolf Bargholz
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: omnisdev-en-bounces at [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Mary Whittaker
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. April 2009 07:12
An: OmnisDev List - English
Betreff: O$4.3.1 crashing on Terminal Server
Hi all,
We are trying to run our Omnis app on Windows Terminal Server and
encountering a bizarre error :
Quitting Omnis due to unrecoverable error.
Unexpected error code : 1
Omnis Tech Support have indicated that they don't support Omnis
running on Terminal Server (or Citrix or Winframe), although they
know that many developers happily do. They have referred us to this
list for help!!
I have driven myself nuts trying to diagnose the cause of the
problem, because it is quite random, but here are some things that I
have found so far.
1) It crashes if the client is Remote Desktop. It doesn't crash if
the client is CoRD (on Mac). (However, CoRd does ugly things to some
of the graphics !)
2) It crashes if the user on the windows machine is the same on both
sessions or different
3) It often crashes when we open a module that opens a separate
library (but not always). When we open a separate library we copy
objects from the main library to the secondary library and I was
wondering if this might cause access violation issues.
4) The secondary library contained a timer procedure. However, I
turned it off and it made no difference.
I will keep experimenting, but was wondering if anyone has any ideas
about what could cause such as problem. It may save me a lot of time
(and a lot of hair !!)
Kind Regards
Mary Whittaker
Senior Business Analyst

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