O$ - DAM issue - differences between dev and runtime

Bastiaan Olij lists at basenlily.nl
Tue Apr 7 17:22:02 EDT 2009

Hey Fred,

Couple of reasons. First of all as it is code in my table base class.

Its an excelent place to do some final data additions such as setting
creation/modified dates, columns to indicate which user has made the
change, etc. (these columns have standard naming conventions). I also
have some code that does some final conversion to account for
differences between Omnis and my backend (making sure dates are NULL
instead of empty for instance). I can also audit my changes here if that
is needed or atleast have my default auditing logic in my base class.

Then for those backends that do not support autonumbering primary keys,
in my $insert I assign a unique value to the primary key. For those
backends that do support autonumbering, I retrieve the newly generated
number at the end of the $insert.

The $delete I generally leave alone though.



Fred Brinkman wrote:
> Bas,
> What's your main reason for overriding $insert, $update (and, I
> assume, $delete).
> When your data is prepared in advance, is there any reason to do this?
> Just curious,
> Fred.
> Fred Brinkman
> http://www.euromnis.org
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> Op 7 apr 2009, om 22:50 heeft Bastiaan Olij het volgende geschreven:
>> Hmmm,
>> Maybe I mixed them up the wrong way around... It has been awhile and
>> these days I override $insert and $update all together with my own code.
>> Sorry about that,
>> Bastiaan
>> Steve Finger wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Now I'm confused. In my table classes I override $update all the time
>>> and at the end put
>>> Do default Returns %flag
>>> %flag is a local variable and it returns 1 if successful and 0 if not
>>> In my only experience with Oracle and SQL Server the Do default works
>>> the same with the 0 or 1 result.
>>> I think (but I'm going from memory) there may have been a time it
>>> returned null from an sql statement that ended up being totally messed
>>> up and I guess the Dam didn't know what to do with it.
>>> Steve Finger
>>> Bastiaan Olij wrote:
>>>> Hi David,
>>>> As you are overrriding $update, do default is not the correct way to
>>>> invoke the standard logic.
>>>> Try either doing a "do inherited" or what I find easier/better myself:
>>>> do $inherited.$update() returns lvSuccess
>>>> Which allows you to parse any additional parameters.
>>>> I can't remember off the top of my head when you had to use do
>>>> default.
>>>> I hardly use that one in my code.
>>>> Greetz,
>>>> Bas
>>>> David Walton wrote:
>>>>> Okay... no responses. Let's try again.
>>>>> I have a table method that is called $update. It processes some
>>>>> history, checks that the user has changed some values, then says  "Do
>>>>> default" with a return value. The problem is that I get different
>>>>> results from the return value on the do default in runtime than in
>>>>> development.
>>>>> Can someone tell me what I should expect from the return value on
>>>>> a do
>>>>> default? Is it boolean, numeric, etc? It seems to be returning a
>>>>> blank
>>>>> (like '').
>>>>> Thanks.
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>> Kindest Regards,
>> Bastiaan Olij
>> e-mail/MSN: bastiaan at basenlily.nl
>> web: http://www.basenlily.nl
>> Skype: Mux213
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/bastiaanolij
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Kindest Regards,

Bastiaan Olij
e-mail/MSN: bastiaan at basenlily.nl
web: http://www.basenlily.nl
Skype: Mux213

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